Monday, December 06, 2021

This Cat

My cat is such a drama queen!

We were supposed to have a cold front come through sometime during the night, so when she asked me to let her outside, I told her no.  She had to stay in because I didn't want her to be trapped outside in the storm.  But she wanted to go out!  She was very insistent on going out, but again I said no.  So, what did she do?  

She flopped down in the floor like she was dying.

This cat!

It didn't work.  I still wouldn't let her go out.  However, after listening to her piteous yowling most of the night, I finally gave in.

I let her out.

Sure enough, she didn't come back up to the house before I left for work, so she was trapped outside in the storms.  I hope she's was happy.  Brat.  

The downside to that is, I didn't get much sleep last night, because I spent most of the night listening to her piteous yowling.  I was so tired, by the time I got off work, I was feeling almost sick.  I came home and drank a couple of mugs of turkey broth, and felt a bit better.  

Unfortunately, I don't really have much to tell you about today, unless you want to hear how much laundry I've done.  I think I'll wrap this up and go to bed early.  


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