Tuesday, December 21, 2021

I Suppose I Ought To Blog

I suppose I ought to blog, though for the life of me, I can't think of anything to talk about. I'm sitting here trying to think of what I accomplished today, and I got nothin'.  Absolutely nothing.  

Except washing dishes, but you don't want to hear about that, do you?  

I mostly just sat, played games on my Kindle, and knit a bit. I should probably tell you, after getting my Garden Party shawl out, I knit four rows on it, then decided I needed something a bit more mindless to work on while watching football and Christmas shows.  So, I got out this scarf I've been working on for forever.

I don't think the pattern even has a name.  It's in this booklet I bought from Walmart years and years ago. 

It's also got a matching hat, and I've knit the set before -- for my oldest nephew when he was about 6 or 7.  He's 21 now, so that tells you how long I've had the booklet.  Anyway, it's a pretty simple pattern, good for mindless knitting. 

Other than that, I spent a good deal of the day debating back and forth on whether I wanted to start my Christmas baking today, or wait until tomorrow.  I'm not going to make as much as I usually do, since it'll just be me and ...well, me.  I don't even know if Cody is coming, much less if he's bringing Brennan with him.  He did tell me he's got Christmas Eve off of work, but I don't know what he plans on doing with his time off. 

He keeps taking about us going to spend Christmas with Brennan's family, but I don't know...

I'm just having a hard time getting into the Christmas spirit this year.  Maybe getting my baking on will get it going.  I made out my list of what I'm going to make.  Tomorrow, I'll get started making it. 

And finally, this is wild.

I guess that's it for today.  

Oh, except for your Christmas song of the day:  

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