Sunday, December 26, 2021

Our Christmas

I'm sitting here, not quite sure how to begin this post.  I was going to tell you all about our Christmas, but I'm having a hard time, because I just don't have it in me.  

There was kind of a damper over our Christmas, because my cousin Beverly -- of whom I've written much about on this blog -- she went home to be with our Lord the morning of Christmas Eve, after a year of battling cancer.  

We knew her cancer was terminal, but as I told Cody, knowing it's coming doesn't make it any easier.  

My mind these last few days has been filled with memories of happier days, when we were all together.  I can't imagine going home and her not being there.   

Even with the pall her passing cast, we still had a nice Christmas.  Cody and Brennan came down Christmas Eve to open their gifts here, watch movies, and eat Christmas Eve snacks.  They asked me to come up to Memphis for Christmas Day, but when Cody said they would actually be at one of Brennan's cousin's house, I felt like a whole house full of strangers would be just a bit too much for me.  So, I stayed home, and enjoyed a quiet Christmas.

The cat and I watched the Queen's address, 

and it really resonated when she spoke of a "familiar laugh missing", because she'd lost her husband this year, too. 

So, if it's all right with you, I'll tell you all about our gifts some other time.  But for now, we will remember that, even though we grieve, we do not grieve as those who have no hope, because we know that those we've lost here on Earth are celebrating Jesus' birth with him.  

And we will rejoice, because long ago, in a stable in Bethlehem,  hope was born. 

And this hope anchors our souls, firm and secure. 

Hebrews 16 : 9

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