Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Not Much Going On

I haven't blogged much, because there really hasn't been much going on, but I did have a brief moment of excitement leaving work today, and I wanted to share it with you.

We have a National Guard training center here just South of town.  They frequently use the airport across from the plant for their -- whatever it is they're training for.  It's different stuff every time.  Back when I lived on the other road, before I moved here, helicopters and airplanes frequently flew right over my house, because it was a lot closer to the airport. 

One time, Air Force One flew over.  That was exciting.  

Anyway, today as I was leaving work, I was still in the parking lot when a whole bunch of paratroopers jumped.  I quickly grabbed my camera and started shooting blind.  This is probably the best shot I got:

Oh, the things we see out at ADP.  

Hey, it's better than the view I got yesterday morning...

Dogs have no shame.

In other news, I'm still practicing my piano.  I'd stopped going through my course book to concentrate on Christmas music, but after about 2 weeks, I realized that wasn't working out.  Over the weekend, I started back on my lessons.  You may not get quite as long of a Christmas concert, but hey, them's the breaks.  

But, the songs I picked, I'm pretty sure you'll like, if I can ever get them down.  My biggest problem is I tend to play too fast.  I'm working on trying to slow things down, but it's hard.  The metronome has been a big help with that.  I watched a video on YouTube where the guy talked about the 50% Rule.  You figure out the normal speed of the song, then cut that in half and practice that way.  

It's like playing in slow motion, and I hope it helps.  

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