Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Great Upheaval

 There has been a great upheaval out at the plant.  To what extent remains to be seen.  How it went about is as follows.

I get to work, bright and early this morning, and my coworker greets me by saying, "Becky, did you hear they fired [The Big Man Up Front] yesterday?"  NO!  I hadn't heard that!  

A bit later, Chief got us all together for a meeting, and confirmed it was true.  They'd fired him and one other person.  One of the other supervisors said there would be more firings coming, but at this point, that's just a rumor.  Nobody really knows why they were let go.  Someone said it was because the "supermarket" system wasn't working out, but that doesn't make sense to me.

For those of you who don't work out there, it isn't really necessary that you know what the supermarket system is.  Short version -- it's the system of getting parts to those who need them.  For example, I'm a brazer.  The parts I need are copper headers (manifolds) and adapter tubes.  The supermarket is the system by which the kitters -- those who assemble the various components  -- get those parts to us.

As I said, that doesn't make sense, because that wasn't his project.  The previous Big Man Up Front came up with that.  Then someone else said it was because some sort of testing equipment hadn't been hooked up, but I don't see them firing the man over that.  There has got to be something going on they're not telling us.  

Nevertheless, there are going to be some changes coming.  The first change is, they changed what time we're coming in -- again.  And again, I wish they'd pick a time and stick with it.  The button on my alarm clock is getting worn out from constantly re-setting it, not to mention what it's doing to my body.  And again again, I've worked there long enough to know that they'll probably change the time back in a couple of weeks or so.  Knowing them, by January, we'll be back on 12 hours a day, 6 days a week.

I'm getting too old for all of this.  

In other news, today is Prime Day on Amazon, and honestly, I haven't been too impressed with the deals.  I decided to upgrade my Roku, and I ordered one other thing that I'm not going to tell you about until it gets here.  I think you'll like it, though.  

*Not my photo.  I just put it here so there'll be a thumbnail in my FB feed.  Oh, and I can't post a link to Pinterest without a photo. 

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