Wednesday, October 07, 2020

Frustrations And New Things

There I was at work, Monday, I think it was, when a coworker sidled up to me and whispered soft and low, "Do you have any tips for me to get Stalker to leave me alone?"  

It was all I could do not to laugh right out loud.  Instead, I sort of chuckled and said, "No!  I can't even get him to leave me alone!"  

"I've tried everything!" she said.  "I've even come right out and told him, 'Stalker, I don't like you!  Stay away from me!' and he just won't stay away from me!"  I told her I wished I knew what to tell her, but I can't get rid of him, either.  Every morning, he sits out on a bench in the outdoor break area until he sees me walking across the parking lot.  Suddenly, he feels the need to go inside -- at the same time.

I really really need to look up that guy I had the huge crush on in Junior High and apologize to him.  Profusely. Very profusely.

So, yesterday, I get to work, and as usual, Stalker is sitting on his bench.  He sees me, then decides it's time for him to go inside.  I'm standing there, getting my temperature taken and my mask issued by the temperature and mask people when he walks by.  He goes to the door, and opens it.  He stands there, holding the door open, waiting for me.  I'm like, SERIOUSLY?????

Me, being the horrible person that I am, well, I walked through another door.  And left him standing there.  As I walked by, I muttered only half under my breath, 

Sheesh, just give it up already! 

OK, moving right along...

So, yeah, my phone and I are a bit on the outs right now.  A few weeks ago, I tried to download a new app, and the phone asked for my password.  I'm not sure why.  It hasn't asked for my password in three years, so why does it need one now?  Naturally, since I hadn't used the aforementioned password in three years, I couldn't remember what it was.  

I clicked on the "forgot password?" link, the first thing is said was to verify my phone number.  Uh, I'm ON my phone...but I played along and entered my phone number.  Aaaand it asked me to enter my passcode.  

Passcode?  PASSCODE???

If I can't remember my password, what on earth makes you think I can remember a passcode? After I'd tried everything I could think of, I clicked on the Begin Account Recovery link.  They were supposed to send me an e-mail with a link to begin my account recovery, but at the time, I didn't have time to fool with it, so I let the link expire. 

Last week, I tried again.  I jumped through all the hoops, and was supposed to get an email within 24 hours.  I didn't.  Yes, I did check my spam folder.  No email there, either. I got back onto my phone and jumped through all the hoops one more time, and they said I'd requested too many verification codes, so they weren't sending another one.  Sigh...

Next strategy...I went to the went to the website and clicked the I Forgot link there, and jumped through all those hoops.  This time, I did get the email I was supposed to get.  It says they will text or call me at 12:20 AM GMT with instructions on how to reset my password.  Oh, boy...I hope they text, because you know as well as I do that I don't answer my phone. 

By this time, I was so frustrated that I made the call to switch to Android.  I knew I could upgrade, because I paid off my current phone last December.  After running in circles on AT&T's massively frustrating, difficult to navigate website, I finally found the upgrade page...only it said I couldn't upgrade because I had a balance due.  I knew that wasn't right, because I've been on autopay for about two years.  Nevertheless, I clicked the Pay Balance link...and it showed a balance due of $0.00.  Heavy, heavy sigh... I ran around in even more circles until I found the upgrade page, and it still said I couldn't upgrade because I had a balance due. 

At this point, I threw my computer across the room and swore off technology forever.  OK, not really.  I went to bed instead.  

The only bright spot in my day was these new candles from my friend Kristine's shop

She has some lovely new Fall scents out now, so please go check her out. 

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