Monday, February 04, 2019

The Problem

The problem with knitting is eventually you end up with bits of yarn that are too small to do anything with.

That's sort of where I was with this partial skein.

I thought it might be enough to do another hat, but I just wasn't sure.  I didn't want to knit most of a hat, only to find I couldn't finish it.  What to do?  What to do?

Pondering my conundrum, I just happened to glance over at that big box of yarn in the corner of my living room, and the answer practically leaped out at me.

Do you see it?

Yep, that bright skein of blaze orange would go perfectly with my woodland camo.

What do you think?

The only thing is, next time I think I'm going to start my stripe a couple of rounds sooner.  It'll balance better that way, but I like the color combo.  And who knows?  There may just be some homeless hunters up in my friend's neck of the woods.

I didn't use the Twisted German cast on this time, and I'm definitely going to go back to it.  You can see how loose the stitches in the ribbing are.  The TG gives a much neater band.

Some good news, the next two albums to add to my collection have arrived.

I've got one more still on the way, and I think three left to order.  Now, if only my tax return would come in!

This was a pleasant surprise.

OK, not so much a surprise, in that I ordered it.  I wanted the rose stamp, but hey, I can always use more wax beads.  As soon as I ordered it, I realized (after the fact) that it was being shipped all the way from China.  That was my own fault.  I should have checked more closely.

So, what's the surprise?  It wasn't supposed to get here for another week!  That's right, expected delivery was Feb 11 - March 5.

Now, I've got a new stamp.  And some new wax.  And a new spoon.  I even have a new tealight candle, though I didn't take a picture of it.  You know what that means?  It means someone is going to be getting a letter soon!

Who could it be?

Finally, Valentine's Day is quickly approaching.  Are you looking for a unique gift to give that special someone?  Well, here it is:

Just what every girl wants!  And look!  You can even have it gift wrapped!

How romantic....

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