Monday, February 11, 2019


Today was one of those days.  Most Mondays are one of those days, but today was even more one of those daysish than Mondays usually are.  The morning seemed to go by very quickly, but after lunch the day put its brakes on and...just...dragged.  Said dragging day was made even worse knowing what was coming for me...

See, I've been on a letter writing kick here lately.  If you've read my blog at all, you no doubt have figured this out.  I'd bought some nice parchment type paper.  No, it wasn't real parchment.  It was just regular paper dyed -- or printed -- or however they do it -- to look like parchment.

As I was writing a letter a few days ago, I looked at that paper and decided it just wasn't parchmenty enough.  Naturally, I did what any red blooded American would do.  I went online and ordered some parchmentier parchment paper.

I spent the whole day -- that whole twelve hour shift -- at work just knowing that package of parchmentier parchment paper was going to arrive today, and I wasn't going to be able to play with it until after I got off.  The closer the end of the shift got, the more time seemed to slow down.

At long last, that interminable day finally terminated, and I went flying out of the plant, shoving people down and running over little old ladies in my haste to get home to my new parchment paper.

OK, not really, but saying I calmly walked to my car and leisurely drove home isn't nearly as exciting.

Arrive home, I finally did, to find my package of paper stuffed carelessly into my mailbox by a mail carrier who didn't seem to care, because it's not her package of parchmentier parchment paper, so why should she?.   I wrestled the package out of my box, flew into my house, then ran out back and flung some corn in the general direction of my deer, and at long last I was ready to open the envelope and revel in the parchmetier parchment paper I'd ordered.

And there it is.

Is that not the parchmentiest of parchmenty parchment paper you ever did see?

Of course, it's not real parchment, either.  Just colored to look like it.  However, it is good, heavy weight paper -- almost card stock.  I can't wait to get to writing on it!  Hmmm, now who should get a letter next?

Why, yes I do get ridiculously excited about such things.  That's just who I am. 

In other news, I finished the hat I was working on.

Personally, I think I like the orange with the camo stripe better.  But that's neither here nor there.  They'll both keep someone's head warm.

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