Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Hallacious Heartburn

I had a nice post all planned out for you this evening.  Oh, it was a wonderful post.  It would have made you laugh, it would have made you cry.  It would have moved you. 

I was going to tell you about how it was raining so hard this morning when I got up, Rylea wouldn't go outside to do her business.  She wouldn't even come out from behind the bed.  Yeah, I could have shoved her out the door, but she'd have just come right back inside.

And I was going to tell you about how I'd already set my mind to have to mop up a puddle when I got home, and how pleasantly surprised I was to find there wasn't one.  She was dancing by the back door, but she didn't go inside the house.  It kind of worries me when she does that, though.  I don't want her to mess her kidneys up holding it too long.  I'd rather she peed on the floor than hurt herself.

Then I was going to tell you how when I got to work, someone else had gotten their gloves stuck, because there they were -- just hanging there, not falling.  And I was going to tell you some other stuff, but alas it was not to be.

After eating some leftover cookies, but not having milk to go with them, I got the most hallacious case of heartburn I've had in a long, long time.  So, no post.  I'm just going to leave you with two things.

One, the first of my second -- or third, I forget which -- round of record buying has arrived.

The cover was so familiar I felt sure it was one we had when I was a child, but there was that tiny element of doubt.  However, when I put it onto my record player

and heard the opening notes of the first song, I knew.  Without a doubt, it was one of my childhood memories.

Oh, and look at this.  My record player has slots in the side where you can close the dust cover, and your record will still play.

Cool, huh?  It allows the machine to be smaller, but still play full size LPs.

Secondly, here is the first of the promised videos from The High Kings.

Now, while you are enjoying the music, I'm going to hustle myself off and drink another cup of vinegar water, as this heartburn is trying to once again rear its ugly head.

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