Saturday, November 04, 2023


I'd intended to do Thanksvember again this year, but every day, about an hour after I'd posted, I'd sit there and think, "Dang it!  I forgot Thanksvember again!"   That being said, I am going to try to remember to post, but it may or may not get done every day.  I might have to do a catch up day from time to time. 

Today is the first of those days. 

Thanksvember First:  I'm thankful that I still have a job.  It's been rough out there at the plant this year, with over 200 people getting laid off -- even some who'd been out there 20 years.  I'm also thankful that despite the loss of overtime, I've been able to manage my money so that all my bills have been paid on time. Sure, I've had to nip and tuck here and there, but I haven't lost my home or had to go into debt to pay the bills like I did during the last recession.  

Thanksvember Second:  I'm thankful that I learned to live without internet, even if it was just temporary.  I'm even more thankful to have it back.  

Thanksvember Third:  I'm thankful for my friend Susie, who took an offhand comment I made in jest seriously, and sent me a surprise parcel to open for my YouTube Channel.  But it's not about the stuff.  It's that someone thought enough about me to do something like that to brighten my day.  

Thanksvember Fourth:  This.

Yep, I'm thankful for the difficult people.  For the obnoxious people.  For the condescending people.  For the unkind, selfish, hateful people.  I'm thankful for them, for showing me how it feels to be on the receiving end of such attitudes, and reminding me to me more Christlike in my own interactions with those around me.  

That's it for today.  From here on out, I'll try to remember to do my Thanksvember every day, or at least every couple of days.  It won't be a whole post again...I hope. 

But with my memory, you never know.

1 comment:

Amnicon Studio said...

I was thinking about the thankful Thanksgiving, too. Then decided i have too much on the plate. How awful sounding is that? :-/