Saturday, November 18, 2023


 He came! The firewood guy came!  Look at all this wood!  

And it's three rows deep, too!

And that brings us to Thanksvember Eighteenth:  I was going to put that I was thankful for the wood, but after thinking a moment, I changed my mind.  Today, I'm thankful for small business owners who show up when they say they are going to, and actually DO the job you've hired them to.  That's so rare around here... 

I apologize for the less than wonderful photos.  I got so excited that I went out and took them as soon as he left -- when it was already full dark.  I went back out this morning as soon as the sun was up and took another one.

Of course, I forgot about the morning mist, so I'm not sure if this one is really any better.  Look at this.  I didn't see it last night, but see how small he split the wood?  Hand included for scale. 

The other guy I used to buy from left the wood in huge chunks, so I'd have to split it myself just to fit it into my wood stove.  Now, there are some larger pieces in the stack, but most of it looks like this.  Just one thing, though.  I'm going to have to find a better place to hang this bird feeder. 

When I was 20, I wouldn't have had any problem climbing back there to get it and refill it.  Now that I'm 59...not as confident about my climbing skills.  This was only temporary anyway, until I can get the post reset.  A few more good rains like we had yesterday, and the ground just might get soft enough to dig it.  And yesterday's rain was just what we need here -- a long, slow drizzly rain all day long that gave it time to soak into the ground, and not just run off.  I'm not sure how much we got in inches, but like I said, at this point, we need every drop we can get. 

In other news, I have a bit of a crisis here in the Fine Martial Household.  I realized when I was unloading the last of my groceries that I'd accidentally bought whole berry cranberry sauce instead the jelly.  You know, the kind that comes out looking like the can.

That's what I'd intended to buy with my free Ibotta Thanksgiving deal, but I didn't check the can before I grabbed it.  I just scanned the bar code to see if it was the right deal.  

And ended up with this.  Oh, well.  I guess I don't need to make it now.  

But it's so much fun listening to the berries pop...I may still figure out a way to try to zhuzh it up a bit, but that's not quite the same as making it. 

And finally, I finished another hat this morning while I was avoiding cleaning up the kitchen.

Now that it's done, I guess I'd better start on that kitchen cleaning thing...

1 comment:

Amnicon Studio said...

Woo hoo for firewood! :-)

I love the jellied cranberry sauce. This year, though, I'm going to be making some sauce from scratch. Who would have guessed making it was as easy as boiling the berries in water and adding sugar?