Saturday, October 29, 2022

Stormy Saturday

 Whew!  What a way to start a day...with a cat fight in my back yard at 6:00 this morning.  It was that orange stray again -- the one who had kittens in my woodpile last year -- coming into my yard to pick a fight with my cat.  I shooed her off, and told her next time, I was getting my water gun out.  

Then I had to turn around and shampoo the bedroom carpet because one of these critters urfed on it. I'm pretty sure it was the cat, because the puddle was too small for it to be the dog.  Oh well, that's life with pets.  Besides, it was almost time to shampoo it again anyway. 

 Other than that, my Saturday was just as you'd expect a Southern Fall Saturday to be.  I piddled a bit, did some yardwork, and ate the two bags of Halloween candy I'd bought just in case I get any trick or treaters, which better not happen now because I don't have any candy left.  

LSU and Texas both had the bye this week, so the Navy game was the only one I was really interested in, though I watched Auburn vs Arkansas, and plan on watching Ole Miss vs Texas A&M when it comes on.  Can't have a Saturday without football on.  While I was watching those football games, I spent a few moments straightening out my craft/snake/computer room.  

Believe it or not, this is not the before picture.  This is the I'm tired of fooling with this mess so I'll finish it later kind of in-between photo. It was much worse than this when I started.  Even the chair was stacked up with junk.  I really want to get rid of that whole computer desk, since I never use it any more, except to stack junk mail and bills on.    I could replace it with a smaller writing desk, and it would open up that whole space.   Years ago, I had a little roll-top desk.  It wasn't anything special, just a little one ordered from Sears, and I sold it back in 2006.  I don't know why, but now I sure wish I had it back. 

And of course, once my seemingly immortal snakes go to that great herpetarium in the sky, I've got plans to make myself a little den out of that room, with my writing desk, and spinning wheel, and a day bed in case I ever have company.  I may even put a fake fireplace in there.  I don't know.  I'll figure it out later. 

I finally got all those canna lilies dug up, and it makes that area look so much cleaner now. 

Let me tell you, there was a bunch of them. 

I'm going cut the stems and leaves off, then clean up the bulbs and advertise them in the local free-bees group.  Any that don't get picked up within a few weeks are going to get thrown into the fire.  I also have a bunch of Spider lilies I need to move out of the middle of my front yard, but they're going to have to wait a bit.  I'm about all dug out with this digging. 

I'm sure you'll be pleased to know, I managed to redneck my wind chime so that it chimes much better now. 

I used the top to a pre-made pie crust and just tied it to the anchor with scrap yarn.  It catches the wind much more easily, though it still has to be a pretty strong breeze to move the clapper. I'm wondering if I hang the whole thing from a chain or something, which might help it move better.  I'll have to see what I can come up with, and I'll let you know. 

In knitting news, I'm a bit lost without my blanket to work on.  Not really, because I've got lots of other projects to work on.  It's just that I've put so much focus on that one thing, it's kind of hard to suddenly switch gears. Still, I must knit, so I pulled out this old scarf that I've been working on for over a year, and picked it back up.  I am just that one small ball of yarn away from finishing it.

And finally, just because, here is a picture of Jesse.

I don't know if it's those vitamins I'm giving him or what, but boy howdy have his toots been stanky these last few days!

I hope he gets over it soon, because he can absolutely run you out of a room!

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