Tuesday, October 18, 2022

I Did It Again

I finished another blanket square. 

One more row -- 12 more squares -- and this blanket is done!  And yes, I will let you all count them down with me.  

But, before I finished the square, I did it again.  What did I do again?  I came home and didn’t sit down. I didn’t get something to eat, and I didn’t even change clothes. 

What I did do was to start moving stuff from my craft room into the cabinet in my shed.

I've still got a long way to go, but hey, it's a start.  I'll need to get some sort of organizers for all my small things -- screws and such like -- and fix up a small tool box of basic screwdrivers and pliers and stuff to keep in the house for basic home repairs, etc, but the most of the rest will be moved outside.  Eventually that entire shelf will be moved to the shed, too.  It's what I bought it for after all.  

Ignore the mess on the floor.  Most of that is junk I pulled off those shelves to reach the stuff I wanted to move.  By the way, Salena, you'll be very pleased to know I found the charger to my cordless drill/screwdriver!  Woo hoo!

While I was moving my little mini chainsaw out to the shed, I said to myself, "Self, while you have this mini chainsaw out, you might as well trim back those branches that are rubbing against the house and making that intensely annoying noise."  And I got my ladder out and did just that. 

Yay!  No more intensely annoying noise!   It just occurred to me I should have taken a before picture, but I didn't.  You'll just have to take my word for it. 

Weatherwise, it was down to 38' this morning when I got up, and it's supposed to get even colder tonight.  Yes, I did break down and turn on my heater.  I'm too old to play the Let's See How Long We Can Freeze game.  I usually turn on the heater the day the house temps get below what I normally set my heat to.  That day just happened to be today. 

Remember how I told you they were remodeling the restrooms at work?  Remember how excited I was?  They're not quite finished, but today, they opened the ones nearest my work area back up for use.  Guess what I saw?  Look closely...do you see it? 


Seriously?  How flippin' hard is it to line up the two sides of the door latch?  Looks like we're still going to be propping the doors shut with the garbage cans, because I checked, and there are several stalls in both bathrooms that are like this.  Taylor?  Anything you can do to get it fixed?  

And finally, I've been intending to give you an update on how my piano progress is going, but right now, it's kind of just limping along a bit.  I'm going to get back to it, though.  Once my piano mojo gets back from wherever it wandered off to, that is. 

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