Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Random Thoughts Of A Wednesday Evening

 1.  There I was at work, just a working away, when out of the blue, one of my coworkers came up and asked me, "Don't you ever get tired?"  I said, "Girl, please!  I'm never not tired!"  And it's only February.  It'll be like this until at least September or October.  But hey, they're feeding us hotdogs next week.  

2.  I think I'd get a lot more out of my piano practice if I didn't have such a harsh critic:

3.  Some women wish they could eat without getting fat.  I wish I could be as sleepy after I get into bed as I am sitting in the recliner.  But nooooo.  As soon as I lay down in the bed, I'm wide awake.  

4.  Today, we commemorate the beginning of the Siege of the Alamo.  

5.  You're not going to believe this, but today I ate the last piece of Christmas candy.  Now, I can get back with my weight loss program.  I gained quite a bit over Christmas, but I'm still down 15 lbs from where I was when I started.  I'm hoping with all the temptations finally out of the house, I can get back on track.  

6.  I can't remember what else it was I was going to tell you, so I'll just tell you I have to go to the dentist tomorrow, and I don't want to.  He's going to fuss at me, because I still haven't gotten that broken tooth extracted.  I know, I know, but I feel like I've got a million things pulling at me all at once, and there's only one of me.  

7.  Oh, I've got some exciting news!  An episode of Restaurant Impossible is going to be filming right here in town next month!  One of my coworkers said she's going to sign up to be an extra.  I'm not, but I do want to watch it when it comes on.  I don't know yet when that will be, but I've already set my DVR to record the show, so I'll be sure to let you know. 

8.  Good news, it looks like Marty Mac is going to survive being transplanted.  He's starting to perk up, and his traps are getting that good reddish color again.  Funny thing, there was a piece of perlite stuck on the edge of one of the traps, so I thought I'd be smart and blow it out.  Do you know you can trigger them to snap closed doing that?  I do now.   It was still pretty cool to watch. 

9.  The bad news is, the Christmas cactus that was stressed isn't looking any better.  I found an old picture from a few years ago, and it looked so much better then, but I could already see some of the leaves turning red.  If I'd known then what that meant, maybe I could have saved the plant.  As it is, I don't know.  I'm just going to leave it alone and hope for the best.

10.  I'd better go practice my piano while the cat is napping, before she comes and gives me the stink eye again.  

11.  Laters. 

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