Monday, February 07, 2022

Monday Miscellany

 We had six brazers out today.  Six.  That's half the department.  

They did send us one of the tap fitting brazers up to help, though.  But, we were still down five.  Well, five and a half, because she spent half the day walking around talking to people, but hey, we take what we can get.    Beggars/choosers and all.  

There's a rumor going around the plant that The Big Man Up Front is getting a bit concerned about his job.  Not losing it, I mean.  Our production numbers are way down, and he can't seem to figure out why.  That's why they brought The Boss Who Must Not Be Named back out onto the shop floor -- to get production back up.  

On a completely unrelated note, one of my coworkers was telling me about another coworker, who is diabetic.  Other Coworker comes in at 4:00, and has 11:00 lunch break.  Being diabetic, she was having trouble keeping her sugar levels regulated because she wasn't allowed to eat or drink for 7 hours.  So she went to her doctor and got a note saying she needs to eat regularly.  Because of her diabetes and all. 

However, when she went to HR to turn it in, they rejected her doctor's note.  She had to go and have a sit down meeting with the Head Karen in HR and plead her case with her.  The Head Karen then gave Coworker a form to take to her doctor to fill out.   She is to bring that form back, whereupon The Head Karen will forward it to the company doctor, who will then review that form that Coworker's Doctor filled out and decide based on the information given if she has a legitimate medical need to eat more often than every 7 hours. 

If the company doctor approves her need -- and that's a big if-- he will then forward the form to the company's attorney.  The company's attorney.  Seriously?  You have to get a fricken attorney involved?  Simply for a diabetic employee to be able to eat so she won't die?  That's absolutely ridiculous!

As for the rest of us who don't have medical reasons to eat frequently, who are just hungry...well, sucks to be you, I suppose. 

Hmm, on second thought, maybe that note quite wasn't so unrelated after all...  

On a brighter note, I got my little bluebonnet seeds planted yesterday.

I have since run in and checked exactly 437 times to see if they're growing yet.  They're not.  But I was able to get two seeds planted in most of those pellets.  A few of them only got one, but hopefully, I'll have enough germinate and survive that I'll have a nice little bluebonnet patch.  If I can finish getting that old fire pit cleaned out, maybe I can plant a few back there, too. It would be so cool if bluebonnets took over that pit and made it into something beautiful.  

Well, I came home this afternoon and finished moving the firewood to where I wanted it to be to begin with.  I left a little pile by the door

but I put the rest of it out in the old chicken coop. 

Between that and what I have left from the first load he brought, 

I ought to be set for firewood for a while.  Some of the bigger chunks in this pile can be split down even more so it'll go farther. 

I guess that's all I have for today.  Except this one last thing.  I pulled this yarn out of the yarn closet yesterday.

I've got the hankering to knit some socks with it.  One of my readers, when I was complaining about my socks falling down, asked if I knit with negative ease.  I was like, "Ease?"  No, I'd never really even thought of ease, because I have these giant heels.  I've always had to cast on a lot of stitches on large needles to get the socks on over my giant heels,  so I've always just had to run with that.   Now that I know this super stretchy Chinese Waitress cast on, I might just give that whole ease thing a try.  

I only have to find a pattern that appeals. 

I'll be sure to keep you posted. 

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