Wednesday, November 03, 2021

Winter Is Coming

 Before I begin tonight's post, I feel it is incumbent upon me to tell you that I was somewhat forcefully informed this morning by A Front Office Guy Formerly Known As The Boss Who Must Not Be Named that he is not lost.  He knows exactly where he is going...which is to get the heck off the shop floor as soon as he can.  

Frankly, I don't blame him.  He can go back up to his office...with air conditioning, and eat and drink whatever he wants, when ever he wants...while sitting down...

Oh, and he told me he works in PB&, that's not, that's it...Product research and development.  All righty, then. Moving right along.

I don't normally light fires during the week.  I figure by the time the house warms up, it'll be about time to go to bed.  However, this was our high for today.

So, I decided to make an exception.  It sure did make the house feel all snug and comfy.  I'll have to lug some more wood up to the house because it's supposed to be getting down into the 30s over the next few nights.  I also took the precaution of bringing in the last of my potted plants, just in case. 

I'm not having good luck with mailboxes at all.  If you'll recall, the county broke mine off when they were working on the road, so they replaced with one of those Rubbermaid boxes.  Well, today when I got home, the box part had been taken completely off the post and thrown into my front yard.  I can't even imagine how that happened.  I mean, the box part just slides on to the post, but you would have to deliberately pull with purpose to get it off, so it couldn't have been some sort of accident.  

If it happens again, I might just have to set up a game cam to catch what is going on out there. 

I guess that's about it for tonight.  One of the piano instructors I follow on YouTube posted a video on how to learn a piece really quickly, and I want to try it.  I have an arrangement of O Holy Night, which was my dad's favorite Christmas carol, I want to try to learn.

Probably won't be in time for this year, though.  But I'll have to get you something recorded and posted, since I skipped out on last year's concert. 

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