Thursday, November 04, 2021

Random Thoughts Of A Thursday Evening

1. I'm sure you will all be pleased to know my mailbox was still firmly attached to its post when I got home this afternoon.  I'm going to count yesterday as a one-off, and hopefully, it won't happen again.  I'm sure someone must have hit it by accident.  

2.  This is my coworker.  She said she was practicing for her funeral. 

Yes, she is that crazy, but we love her.

3.  I walked around all day with a bug in my hair and nobody told me. 

OK, it was plastic, and I put it there, but nobody noticed.  Dadgum it!

4.  One of my Thanksgiving cactus has buds!  

This one is from a cutting I took from one of James' Thanksgiving cacti.  Except that it was an accident.  That I took a cutting, I mean.  I accidentally broke it off, then felt bad and rooted it.  A couple of years ago, some little rodent dug the whole thing up, and I was devastated.  I replanted it, and fortunately, it took once again, and has thrived to the point where it's almost as big as it was before.  

5.  It's going to be cold tonight.  

It might even frost, but it probably won't.  It seldom gets as cold as they say it will.  I still brought a load of firewood up to the house, and am sitting here sipping some hot chocolate with pumpkin spice marshmallows in it.  I've also got peppermint marshmallows, for when the Era of Pumpkin Spice ends, an Minter begins. 

6.  I had a whole passel of deer out behind the fence.  It's a bummer that all my little bucks seem to be spikes, though.  

7.  Speaking of deer, I've almost hit two on the way to work on two different days this week.  One was a good sized buck with a nice rack.  The other was a yearling.  

8.   I'm going to make the cat stay inside tonight.  She's not happy, but it's too cold out there for her to stay out all night. 

9.  Inventory at work is next week, and they released the list of who is working where this morning.  Well, Group Leader Shark brought it to me this morning.  Sometimes I wonder what they're thinking out there.  All the usual tubing crew will be doing inventory in sheet metal department.  We were talking about it, and every one of us was saying, "I don't know anything about sheet metal."  I guess we'll figure it out as we go. 

10.  Not only that, they're bringing people over from the hair pin building to inventory tubing.  Why not just let the people who work in tubing inventory tubing?  Because that would make to much sense.  And if anything out there makes sense, they're going to do the exact opposite. 

11.  By the way, that person way up there -- the one who was practicing for her funeral -- she's the one who started calling our group leader Group Leader Shark.  Now it's her official blog nickname. 

12.  I guess that's it for this edition.  See you next time. 

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