Friday, November 13, 2020

What Good Is It?

What good is it to have a day off when you wake up at 3:30 AM anyway?

Which reminds me, back in July when Cody and I went to Texas, my sister asked us when we would coming back East.  Cody told her he had to be at work at 6:45 Monday morning, so we'd be leaving Sunday.  She then asked me what time I had to to be back at work.  I said, "I go in at 4:30."    My sister said, "Oh, so you work nights?", and Cody replied, "No, the other 4:30."  "There's another one?" my sister said.  

But that's neither here nor there...As I was saying, I woke up at 3:30 this morning, and just laid there in the bed for two whole hours.  That part was nice, but when it became apparent I wasn't going to get back to sleep anytime soon, I got on up.  I spent most of the morning trying to overcome my inertia and get my in-town running done, which I finally did by promising myself I could spend he rest of the day doing nothing. 

And that's pretty much what I did.  While I was in town, I went ahead and bought most of what I will need for Thanksgiving dinner.  My reasoning was, I forgot something -- as I usually do -- I would have next week to go back and get it.  I think every single person in town must have had had the same idea, as the Walmart was an absolute madhouse.  I finally gave up and decided to leave.  I got half my stuff on the conveyor, and that's when it hit me.  I'd forgotten the fresh cranberries.  Cody loves fresh cranberry sauce, and it's so easy to make. 

Sigh...I'll guess I'll get them next week.

Speaking of, next week is inventory at work.  It's usually the last week of October, but what with the pandemic and the embezzling boss and all, they postponed it for a month.  People who aren't working will have a three day work week.  Those of us who will be working it, will be working it.  At least they've moved me back into my own work area.  I mean, I'll be inventorying where I work.  In the supermarket area.  These last few years, they've had me in the stock room.  I don't know anything about the stock room, and drain pans and cartons and stuff.  I know adapter tubes and headers, so I'm glad of that. 

But I digress...I got the necessary chores taken care of and spent the rest of the day knitting and watching Christmas movies, and cookie baking shows on Food Network. 

I've gotten a couple more pattern repeats finished on my sock. 

I was in such a Christmassy mood here lately, I'd thought I would make my dad's fruitcakes this weekend, but wonder of wonders, Walmart was out of fruitcake mix.  I mean, who the heck buys fruitcake mix?  Besides me, that is. 

I tried to shake it off, but the Christmas mood simply would not be denied, so I got my Christmas cards out and addressed them.  By the way, the offer is still on the table.  If you want a card,  message me your address, and I'll add you to my list.  

Just for future reference, this was the gas price on Tuesday: 

And finally, my white headed shanty men liked my comment!  

I feel like I've made the big time now.

Oh, and if you were wondering, here is the video I commented on.  

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