Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Guarding His Legacy

Since I am now a Legacy Guardian, I figured I needed to know his story.  The story of Adam Cajiuat Posadas.  The name I wear on my left wrist.  When people ask, "Who is he?", I need to be able to tell them.  So, I ordered the book in which his story is told. 

I haven't read it yet.  I'll need to be mentally prepared to go through this first, but I read the first line of his chapter, which was as far as I could get. 

It reads, "When I was young, I spent ten months in an Iraqi prison."  

I'm sure it won't be easy, but as his Legacy Guardian, it is my solemn duty to make sure his story is not forgotten.  

So, the book arrived today, and when I pulled the envelope out of my mailbox, I thought, "Dang, I didn't realize the book was that thick."  But when I opened the envelope, I found a nice surprise.  The seller had included a second book.

At first, I thought it was a mistake.  I was going to contact the seller and try to return the book, but I happened to open the cover and glance inside...where I saw this:

All right, then.  I'm not sure why.  Maybe it's one they can't sell and are just trying to unload them, or something, but I'm not going to complain.  Two things I'll never turn down -- free food, and free books. 

I found out who at work has the COVID.  She's not in my department, but is close friends with the two who were sent into quarantine.  Of course, I can't tell you who she is.  Most of you wouldn't know her anyway, so why violate her privacy?  Some of us were talking about it this morning.  Our case count just within the plant has got to be well over 100 by now.  Some say it's even higher, but I don't know.  As I said, they don't tell us any more.  Oh, but the last girl from my department who had the virus was back at work today, so that's good.  

By the way, I took my phone out of its case.  It seems so much smaller now.  Not that that means anything.  I just thought I'd throw it out there. 

And finally, I've figured out through a lot of trial and error that if I don't bend over, but rather kind of squat, then bend over, it takes a lot of strain off of whatever it is I strained in my hip.  I'm hoping if I am careful and move really slowly, this thing can heal, and I can avoid a big medical bill.

Now, Cody is coming down tomorrow after work, and I'll have quite a bit of cooking to do, so if I don't blog before Thanksgiving, you all have a very happy one, and I'll see you Friday. 

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