Monday, November 23, 2020

Alrighty, Then...

 I thought I was going to have a quiet Thanksgiving all to myself, but not so fast.  Cody messaged me this morning, and said he would have all day Thursday off, so he's coming down Wednesday after work and is going to spend the night.  Yippee!

Then, just a few minutes ago, he messaged again and asked if he could bring his roommate and another friend, since they have no one to spend the holiday with.  I told him that was OK as long as I didn't have to clean the house.  Cody replied that they wouldn't care, so I guess I'm going to have a house full.  One good thing about that is many hands make light work.  We ought to be able to get the tree up pretty quickly with all those folks.  I'm definitely going to make them put up the outside lights for me.  I'm getting too old to be climbing that ladder.  

At least we're going to have plenty of food.  Between my free Thanksgiving dinner from Ibotta, the turkey they gave us at work, and the box of vegetables left outside my door a few weeks back, I only had to buy a few things -- like the fresh cranberries, for instance.  I've already got my pumpkin pie and sweet potato pie done, and I'm going to start my jello salad tomorrow, since it needs time for each layer to set.  Then Wednesday, I'll make the cranberry sauce, and put together the broccoli, cheese, and rice casserole...And here I am rambling about food...

OK, moving right along...

I'm making slow, but steady progress on sock #2.  

Only one more pattern repeat, and I'll be ready to knit the heel flap.  It's been so long since I've turned a heel, I'm going to have to look it up.  Next pair of socks, though, will have a simpler pattern.  Oh, this one isn't difficult, but I have to keep track of which row I'm on.  I'd rather have something more mindless for a while. 

Well, apparently we've had another case of COVID in the department.  The only reason I know is because I overheard two brazers tell someone, "They're quarantining us."  Back when it all started, they told us when we'd potentially been exposed.  Not so any more.  Now, the only way we find out is second hand gossip.  

The bad news is, whatever I did to my hip on Friday, I did again this afternoon getting a pie plate out of my dishwasher -- which doesn't work, by the way.  I use it as a very large dish rack.  The better news is, I stretched things out as best I could, and it seems a bit better.  If this keeps up, I might have to go to the doctor about it. 

I hope it doesn't come to that.  I can't afford a major medical bill right now. 


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