Saturday, August 10, 2019


Me:  Man, I hate these 12 hour shifts!  You don't have time to do anything! I'm so tired!  They are working us to death!

Work:  Next week, cut back to 11 hour shifts.

Also me:  No!  Not my overtime!  Don't take away my extra hour! Give me my overtime back!

Yep, it would appear the fall slowdown is in full swing out at the plant.  Not that I'm complaining ...too much.  I'm going to miss the extra hours on my paycheck, but maybe I'll have more time to practice my instruments and blog.  And maybe write a few more letters.  And read more books.

Speaking of which, I bought a new one.

I've always liked Shel Silverstein, but I'd hardly say he writes poems for children.  There is a lot of underlying anger in some of his stuff.  Some of it is cute and funny, but there are quite a few that I would not read to a 5-8 year old child.  Yet, that is the audience they are marketed towards.

There aren't any new episodes of Lone Star Law out right now, so I've been watching North Woods Law, about game wardens in Maine.  It's not as good, but then I am biased.  In one episode, they were out in the woods trying to find some lost hunters.  The game warden was using an old fashioned compass to try to locate them.  Needless to say, it occurred to me that a compass might ought to find its way into my shopping cart -- and into my bug out bag.

Sometimes, you are in a place your cell phone might not get a signal, or what if your battery runs down?  Sometimes the old ways are best.  Or as one of my favorite shanty group sings:

New-fangled gear's no use to you
When you're off Cape Horn with your fuses blew;
Then's the time for to curse the day
You sent your shantyman away.

The irony of that is, hardly anyone uses fuses any more.  Even they are old fashioned these days.  It's all circuit breakers and GFI now.

OK, moving right along, the squirrels have found their feeder!

It's not the greatest picture, but it's the best I can do with my crappy camera.  Also, the birds have started eating from their new feeder, but the picture I got of them is even worse.  Most exciting of all, Mama Doe brought her twins out!

I'm not supposed to be feeding them due to the CWD, but squirrels are messy.  They toss corn everywhere, and sometimes the deer come out and clean up beneath the feeder.    BTW, I managed to get my back door open enough to stick the camera outside and take a slightly better picture of them.  The squirrels are a lot more skittish.

Not that Mama Doe wasn't skittish.  She seemed very nervous, so I'm guessing this is the first time she's actually taken the twins with her.

Oh, and I was going to buy some real squirrel food, but it was mighty expensive.  It was like $8 for a 10 lb bag.  Deer corn is $7 for a 40 lb bag.  They'll keep getting deer corn for now.  And maybe for always.

I don't even want to know what prompted this sign, seen at work by the back break room.

And last, but certainly not least, I don't care what the calendar says, I don't care that it's still triple digits outside, when the candy corn hits the stores, it's FALL!

Now, bring on the football!

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