Saturday, July 15, 2023

You’ve Got Mail

You’ve got mail! Or a new mailbox, at least. 

The bad news is, I wasn’t able to get out and install it in the cool of the morning, because we had some pretty good storms roll through, so I had to wait until after they’d passed. Which meant heat, humidity— and yes, I ended up with frizzy hair, but I persevered and got ‘er done.  It wasn't actually that hard, once I'd made myself get out of the chair and you know...just do it.  

I put the numbers on it after I took the picture, but yes, it does have numbers. Best of all, it’s got a door that will stay closed! No more damp mail! Woo hoo!

Kind of sad what I get excited about these days…

Once it cools off a bit— and I mean autumn, not evening— I may get someone to come and set a new post. Maybe. There was enough of the old post sticking up that it’s pretty sturdy as it is, but we’ll see.

Funny thing is, when I pulled the mailbox out of the packing box, look what I found inside. 

Yep, that's the cat's toy.  How it got underneath the new mailbox is beyond me, but that's life with cats. 

In other news, here is hat progress.  The cunning hat just needs earflaps and a pom pom and it'll be done.  

I think this'll be the last of this kind I make.  My old hands aren't what they used to be, and knitting with doubled yarn sure makes them sore.  I'm going to do what I said the other day and adapt the pattern to be knit with a single strand over an 80 stitch cast on. 

In the meantime, work on charity hats also continues.  

I've got lots of this particular colorway of yarn, so there's going to be a lot of these.  Trust me, you aren't seeing the same old photos over and over again. 

And finally, the local Walmart had these, and I just couldn't resist. 

They may look like Solo cups, but it's good and sturdy, heavyweight plastic.  I got some and sent them to Cody and Brennan as well. 

That's about all for today.  I've got the chores done, so I'm going to settle in for some knitting and TV watching.  


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