Sunday, July 23, 2023

And Some Sad News

This morning…oh, this morning it was so cool outside I actually got chilly when I opened the door to let the cat out.  It was cool enough I got out some of my pumpkin spice coffee pods, and put some fall scented wax melts into the melter. 

Then I got fall fever, and now I can’t wait until it’s this cool all the time…

Alas, we've got a bit longer to go for that, as it's supposed to be back up into the upper 90s by the end of the week, with heat indices into the triple digits.  Come to think of it, I probably should have mowed this weekend, when it was still relatively cool. 

But I didn't.  I sat inside and knit two more headbands.  

Funny thing is, the cat distracted me both times, so I lost my place on both of them, but instead of starting over, I just winged it.  They turned out OK, I think.   Oh, and yes, that is the cat's tail in the bottom right of the second photo.  

Not much else going on, unless you want to hear about all the TV I'm watching.  I re-subscribed to Discovery + just so I could watch Shark Week.  Of course, I won't be watching it live, but I don't normally watch things live anyway due to my work schedule.  Good news is, I can catch up on my cooking and home renovation shows, so yay!  

I'm still hesitating to get my internet hooked back up until I see if those rumors about a month long shut down are true or not.  That's what's going around the plant, that they're going to have to rework some of the assembly lines to run this new product line they're launching.  Funny thing about that, we were talking about it at work, and my coworker mentioned that she'd heard about it back in April, but hadn't wanted to say anything just in case it turned out not to be true.  But the thing is, she heard about it from a couple of different people, neither of whom even work out at the plant.  You'd think they'd let us know, since we're the ones who will have to be building it.  

And finally, the sad news.  My snow morph corn snake Snow has gone to that great herpetarium in the sky.  It wasn't really a surprise, as she was 19, which is ancient as far as snakes go.  

Still, the house feels a bit empty without her.  

Goodbye, Snowy-girl.  I will miss you. 

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