Wednesday, July 05, 2023

That Aged Well...

Feast your eyes on this.  Go ahead, enjoy:  

In the midst of gathering up all that yarn, I found the bag where I kept the yarn I knit Jayne hats with.  Not uncoincidentally, I'd been thinking about knitting myself a new Jayne hat just a few days ago.  I'd given all of mine away, and thus I was without one for myself.  So, I cast on a new one using my favorite Cunning Hat pattern.  

This one is not going to be given away...until my son says, "Mom, would you happen to have an extra Jayne hat?  My friend wants one."  Except that I think I gave the last one to my brother for Christmas a couple of years ago.  No matter, I will soon be in possession of a new Jayne hat just for me. 

What is it? you ask.  Well, I'll tell you.  It's an excerpt from a blog post dated from last September.

September 24, 2022 to be precise. 

And why do I say it aged well?  Because a mere two months ago, at Cody's wedding, somehow the topic of Jayne hats came up.  I'd given one to Cody.  I'd given one to Brennan.  I'd even sent one to Tristan -- Cody's best man.  I said I didn't even have one for myself because I keep giving them away.  

By the way, I knew I had this one laying around somewhere, but I didn't count it because I hadn't finished it.  

About that time, Cody's other groomsman, Henry, piped up and said "I don't have a Jayne hat, either." 

"Do you need a Jayne hat?" I asked.

"Yep", was his response. 

"All right, then."  I said.

On the list for this week was to find my partially completed Jayne hat and finish it for Henry.  As you can see, that's exactly what I've done. 

While watching Firefly, of course. 

But that's not all.  Last night while watching A Capitol Fourth on PBS, I finished this hat. 

I had enough yarn for one more hat, so I cast that one on, too.  

Other than that, the plan was to get up and go to Lowe's in Batesville, but you know what they say about best laid plans.  I decided I'd get out and mow before it got too hot, only I didn't quite make it.  I mean, it wasn't that hot, but the humidity was so high it didn't take long before I was drenched in sweat.  I only got the front and side yards done.  I was going to come inside and cool off, then do the back, but I was so soaked in sweat I took a shower instead.  I'll do the rest tomorrow or Friday. 

By the time I got done with all that, I didn't even feel like going to Lowe's.  Since I'd missed the morning mail run, I got dressed anyway and ran into town to put my English and Australian pen pals' letters into the box in front of the post office. 

At the last minute, I decided to get the gas can and fill it up while I was out.  Good thing I did, because I'd accidentally locked the cat into the shed.  If I hadn't had that last minute impulse, she might have stayed locked in there until the next time I mowed. 

I guess she was traumatized, because she's been a bit clingy ever since.  

Eh, I'll cut her some slack, just this once. 

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