Saturday, March 04, 2023

What’cha Doing?

 “What’cha doing this weekend, Becky?” My coworker asked as we were finishing up our workday yesterday.

"I dunno," I shrugged in reply, which was a lie.  I knew exactly what I'd be doing all weekend, but somehow people don't seem to think sitting in front of the TV is a valid answer.  

Yet, that is exactly what I did.  I mean, other than washing three loads of laundry -- including folding and putting the clean clothes away, changing the sheets on my bed, washing the dirty sheets, and shampooing the carpet, that's all I did.  Watch TV.  

I watched a bunch of episodes of Masterchef -- which I'd never watched when it actually came on, then I watched a bunch of episodes of X Files -- which I'd also never watched when it came on.  Now I'm watching a documentary on Prime called The Private Lives Of The Tudors.  Don't envy me my exciting life. 

Oh, I almost forgot.  I got out and started weeding my dandelion patch.  I've been trying to encourage them to grow beside my white shed, but they're insisting on growing up between the rocks beside my carport.  Oh well, I guess dandelions are going to do what dandelions do...

OK, moving right along...

I finished another headband this morning. 

This is the last of the gigantic ones I need to re-do using my adjusted pattern.  I'm not sure why that is such a relief to me, but it is.  Now I feel like I can get on with my knitting, and that's just what I did.  I've decided to knit a few solid color headbands next, starting with this pink one. 

One thing I did not get done today was to get started cleaning up this junky spare room.  

I've been saying for weeks I'm going to get in there and do something about it, but I don't.  I walk in, take one look at the mess, then I get overwhelmed and walk back out.  Well, that's not completely true.  Back before Christmas, I'd filled up a couple of big boxes of junk and gave it away in the local Free Bees group.  I need to find another big box so I can get more junk ready to give away.  

If only money weren't so tight right now, I could order something big from Amazon.  Then I'd have a big box to pack stuff up in.  

Speaking of tight money, back in January, I upped my contributions to my retirement account -- because I want to be able to retire someday.  Eventually.  It was fine when we were getting all that overtime, but now that we're back to 40 hours a week, it's really putting a strain on my budget.  I'm hoping work picks up a bit soon, but if it doesn't, I might have to cut those contributions way back.  I guess I didn't need to retire anyway.  

Let's finish this off with a bit of good news.  Amazon led me into temptation, and I just couldn't resist buying a new book, Over Sea, Under Stone, by Susan Cooper. 

It is the first in the five book Dark Is Rising series.  Now, let me clarify, the book is not new to me.  I've read it several times, and even own the 5-in-1 hardback volume.  But this is the kindle edition, which I did not have.  I'd seen it from time to time on Amazon, but had hesitated to buy it, because it was $7.99, and I don't like paying that much for digital copies.  I kept hoping they'd put it on sale, but they never did.  

However, after the third or fourth We've found something you might like e-mail, I finally gave in and bought it.  I'd wanted to buy the whole series, but I'm going to have to spread those purchases out over several paychecks -- at least until I see if we'll be getting any more over time this year or not. 

In the meantime, I'm trying to read really, really, really slowly....

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