Tuesday, March 21, 2023

I Don't Want To Go

I had to go to the dentist after work today -- just for a semi-annual cleaning and checkup.  Nothing serious.  I was dreading it all day long, though, because I have one tooth that's been sensitive here lately.  "Oh, great!"  I said to myself, "He's going to want to pull another tooth.  I don't have that many left!"  

I groused and grumbled and "I don't want to go to the dentist" mumbled all day long, and it turns out my dread was all for naught.  The dentist checked the tooth really well and didn't find anything wrong with the filling and no new decay.  He said the sensitivity might be due to the changing weather.  I said, "I'd wondered about that, because it does seem to hurt more when it's cold."  

He told me to keep an eye on it and if it still hurt once the weather settles down, call him back and we'll see what we can do about it.  So that's a relief.

You know what else is a relief?  This:  

Pay no attention to my patio bricks that desperately need power washed.  Do pay attention to those tan wormy looking things.  Those are oak tassels.  The Great Pollening is almost over.

Just in time for Tornado season --followed by Sahara Dust Season and Hurricane season.  Yippee!

All the meteorologists are saying the long range forecast shows no more frosts in this area until Fall, but so far, my pecan tree remains leafless.  I think I'll wait until I at least see some buds before I go planting my wildflowers.  I have, however, moved Marty Mac and most of my other plants outside.  I can move them back in if I need to.  I'm going to wait until after the next round of storms to move my Whatever Cacti outside.  I think that's why they look so pathetic, they're getting too much water.  Even after I move them outside for the summer, I'm going to bring them inside when it storms, so I can better control how much water they get.  That will be healthier for them than letting them drown every few days. 

In other news, the things I purchased in my little shopping spree have started to come in. 

My pack of buttons got here today, and I must admit, they look nicer than I thought they would.  There are so many colors, I should be able to find a button to match every headband -- of which I finished another one yesterday.  Or Sunday.  I don't really remember.  The days all seem to run together now. 

What with the economy in the state that it's in, I figured this book might come in handy. 

I haven't had time to really look through it -- dentist appointment and all -- but just a quick glance through it, I've discovered I've got more wild edible plants in my yard than I thought. Besides the wild onions, mint, dandelions, and potential blackberries, I mean.  Oh, and I forgot to mention my roses.  I mean, I forgot roses were edible.  All varieties, including mine.  

I should probably stop trying to kill them, then, huh?  

This book even has ideas on how to prepare the plants for eating, so that's cool.  I'll be looking through it more, and hope to start harvesting a few things as the weather grows warmer.  

I've got one more package that's supposed to be delivered Friday, and there will be a video accompanying that one, so you have something to look forward to.  That's it for my shopping spree, except for the hair snakes I bought for my bathtub drain -- but I didn't really think you'd want to see those.  

I haven't mentioned my piano playing in a while, so I probably ought to catch you up on how it's going.  I've decided to set my book of Hanon exercises aside for a while, and work on learning the scales.  I felt like it would be more beneficial in the long run for someone like me, who just wants to play for fun.  

Right now, I'm working on the C Major scale, which -- believe it or not -- is kind of tripping me up.  I can play one octave just fine, both in parallel and contrary motion.  It's playing multiple octaves I'm having to work a bit harder on.  Somehow, I always end up with my fingers in the wrong place.  

Oh, don't worry.  I'll keep plugging away at it until I have it down pat.  Then I'll have to learn the arpeggios.  I don't even know what an arpeggio is, but  they're in the book and I'm going to learn them. 

By golly. 


Amnicon Studio said...

I'm not a hundred percent sure, but I think I have that forager's book. It was given to me and my hubby from his sister.

I'm also impressed with how you've been keeping up with the piano. :-). I'd have loved to teach myself how to play, but I don't think I'd have the patience for it. I get tripped up real easy. I tried to teach myself once, a lifetime ago.

Becky G said...

That's the book I ended up returning. It seemed to be more specific to the Northern US and Southern Canada. It did have a lot of good information. I just need something for the southern swamps and such.

Amnicon Studio said...

That would make sense as to why it was given to us, since we are so far north.