Thursday, March 23, 2023

Rumor Mill

 All day long, the rumors were flying.

"We're having an emergency meeting at 1:30!  They're putting us on 4 days!"  

As is the way with most rumors, it turned out not to be true; 1:30 came and went, and no emergency meeting, and they're not putting us on 4 days -- at least not yet.  Of course, I already knew it wouldn't be this week, because shortly after lunch, Supervisor pulled me to the side and asked me to come in at 4:00 tomorrow to try to get caught up on a couple of lines. 

It's only for one day, for now, but it is overtime, so yay!  Supervisor said he's got to try to sneak people in because upper management doesn't want us getting any overtime, not with things going the way they are.  I'm still hoping things will pick up and be a bit more normal.

Last week the plant was planning on having some sort of St.  Patrick's Day dress up thing on Friday, but when they shut us down for the week, that got postponed until today.  There wasn't a whole lot of participation on day shift, but second shift really got into it.  I saw several people dressed up in matching outfits, but only managed to get one photo of my friend Bryan. 

Man, I didn't even recognize him at first.  He looks so different with that fake beard! It wasn't until he spoke and I recognized his voice that I knew who he was. You can't see in the picture, but he even had shamrock socks on. 

Then I took a photo of Cyn, 

but when I showed it to her, she said, "Oh, no, Becky!  That won't do!  All that gut hanging out!"  So she sucked in her stomach and said, "Hurry up and take another one!" 

"Hurry and take the picture!" she said, and when I'd done, she let her stomach loose with a great sigh of relief. 

You see what I have to put up with all day?  You see?????

In other news, I think I'm going to return my foraging guide book.  Nothing wrong with the book, it's got lots of great information, but as I was perusing it more closely, I kept noticing words like

throughout the northern United States
in southern Canada
in the northeastern states

All well and good if you live in those areas, but I need a book for the South.  Many of the plants in that book aren't even found down here, and a lot of the ones I can find locally aren't in the book.  And really?  A foraging book that doesn't even mention dandelions?  

At least it had cattails in it. 

Finally, I came home and moved a few more daffodils.   

I think that's going to be it for this year.  Only now, I'm drenched in sweat, so I'm going to go take a quick shower then head to bed early. 

Overtime in the morning, you know. 

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