Wednesday, March 22, 2023


I'm halfway through my first week back at work, and boy am I tuckered.  Seems the older I get, the harder it becomes to get used to standing on my feet all day.  At least I got to come straight home today, and didn't have to go anywhere afterwards.

So what did I do?  I got my garden claw out and stirred up my compost pile. 

I need to do this more often, so the soil is good and aerated, which will make the organic matter decay faster.  But while I was clawing to my heart's content, the weirdest thing happened.  I could have sworn this old dog kennel (which is what the previous owner had built here) was clean when I started, but look what I clawed up. 

It's a plastic dog toy.  It had to have been in there when I moved in, back in 2015, but how I missed it is beyond me.  

I'd intended to get out and plant a couple of packets of wildflower seeds behind the back fence this afternoon, but I just didn't.  I'll probably get it done this weekend, since they're saying we're beyond frosts for the year.  I did go out and check my pecan tree, and I saw tiny little leaves forming way up in the top branches, so that's a good sign.  

What I did instead was to get my hummingbird feeder filled and hung up. 

I usually try to get it out by the middle of March, but this year I wanted to wait until after this latest freeze.  Oh well, it's out now, and hopefully the hummingbirds will find it soon. 

I've been thinking about cancelling Hulu completely, at least for a while, since everything I'm currently watching on there is available on either Prime or FreeVee.  I've already cut off live TV, but that hasn't been a problem for me.  I've discovered that most stations let you watch live TV on their websites, and there are plenty of past seasons of stuff that are available for free. CBS is weird, though, because you can watch live on the website, but not on the app.  So, I just need an HDMI cable to connect my computer to the big TV, and we're good to go. 

Of course, there is always YouTube if you can put up with the ads every two minutes.  I just turned off a documentary because I got so sick of it being interrupted by ads.  I know they depend on ads to support themselves, but sheesh.  Enough is enough. 

I forgot what else I was going to talk about, so I guess I'll just get off here for now and go work on them @#$%* scales some more. 


1 comment:

Amnicon Studio said...

I wonder if the dog toy wasn't buried just enough that you never saw it. Then perked up out of the ground when you started your compost pile.

I haven't seen any hummers yet. Course, the warm weather hasn't really stared til just this week. I love watching them.