Thursday, March 09, 2023

One Day More

One more work day until my unexpected week off, and I'm both excited and kind of dreading it.  I'm excited for the time off, but dreading a week with no pay.  I have a couple of vacation days left, but I've decided not to use them this time around.  I've still got a good bit in my savings account, and I'm cutting corners wherever I can, so I think I'll be all right.  If I can convince myself to cut off my internet and just use my phone data, I'll definitely be OK.  

I've been spending the last few days trying to think up stuff to do so I don't end up spending the entire week sitting in front of the TV -- but hey, we all know that's probably what I will end up doing anyway.  

I definitely want to spend at least part of that time trying to get my junk room under control, since it had gotten completely out of hand. I won't frighten you with another photo, but the more stout hearted of you can scroll back a few posts to see the one I already showed you.  But I'll warn you, it's pretty scary.  

I've also got one more thing planned that I'd been promising my friend Kristine for a while, but that'll depend on the weather.  I know it's supposed to rain a couple of those days, but it's supposed to be sunny also.  But cold...If I do this, this Southern girl will have to find a coat.  Or put on 27 layers, one...I'm not going to tell you what that is.  I want it to be a surprise, but I think you'll like it.   

In knitting news, I started re-doing my friend's headband, but didn't get very far at all before I realized the yarn was way too crimped to knit up right.  Doggedly, I plugged along, thinking it would all come out in the blocking, but I finally had to face the fact that it just wasn't going to happen.  Eventually, I broke down and frogged the whole thing, hanked the yarn up, 

and gave it a good soaking in warm water.  The crimp has definitely eased a lot, but the yarn was still damp this afternoon, so it'll probably be Saturday before I cast it on again.  In the meantime, I have cast on another hat, but there isn't enough yet to even show you. 

On a completely unrelated note, this is my neighbor's oak tree.  Those aren't leaves on it. 

They're the oak's flowers, commonly called tassels.  These things are responsible for the pollen that is covering everything in sight.  Well, those and a bunch of other pollen producing things. 

On another completely unrelated note, I pulled up one of those things I think is a wild onion and nibbled on it a bit.  Yep, it's definitely an onion.  I wish they were growing in a more convenient place, because I'd love to keep them around. 

And finally, it would seem I have a very confused cactus.  

Or maybe it's just an Easter Cactus...blooming a month early... 

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