Saturday, March 18, 2023

Such A Doofus

I swan, I can be such a doofus sometimes.  

So, Becky, what doofusy thing did you do this time?  Well, I'll tell you.

I was sitting there watching TV, when I decided I need a break from Time Team and Masterchef Jr, so I binge watched all three seasons of The Chosen again.  In one episode, it was a scene which took place at night, just after the sun set by the look of the sky.  There in the background, the full moon was shining bright. 

It struck me then that when he was here on Earth, Jesus walked under the same moon I go out into my back yard to look at.  While I was sitting there, all awestruck that the creator of the universe once walked under the same moon that I do -- you see where I'm going with this, don't you?  

I did the old V-8 forehead smack and said to myself, "You doofus!  Jesus created that moon!"  Which, despite my doofusiness, is still pretty amazing when you think about it. 

I did another doofusy thing today, as well.  I cast on another hat

despite not even being halfway done with the one I already had on the needles. 

And I'm currently fighting the urge to cast on a third.  Clearly I've been infected by cast-on-itis.  If only finish-itis was as easy to contract. 

Apropos of nothing, Marty Mac has come out of dormancy and is putting out new growth. 

I'm starting to put him outside during the day to get him acclimated to full sun exposure, and once it's warm enough, I'll leave him out all the time.   Probably after this next cold spell, I'll be able to put him out for good, and just keep an eye on the weather unless there's a late frost. 

I guess the big news of the day is that I got my writing stuff all organized and put away.  In the top drawer of the little brown filing cabinet I put my stationery and envelopes. 

Into the bottom drawer went my wax stamps, stickers, and washi tape. 

And the pens and ink are safely tucked into the desk drawer. 

I still need to get a lamp of some sort, but for now, it'll do.  Here we see my latest letter from my Canadian pen pal just waiting for me to write back. 

Since I was on such a roll with my cleaning and stuff, I dragged this box out of the back of Cody's closet to begin sorting through. 

It shouldn't take too long, because it's half empty.  It's got junk I stuffed into it in a mad cleaning frenzy to sort through later.  Well, guess what?  It's later.  

I did a quick glance into the box, and most of this stuff can probably be tossed, if I can just bring myself to do it.  Seriously, both this box and the other one I keep showing you -- if someone had come along without me knowing it and thrown everything out, I'd have never missed any of it.  Except that little pink thing in the bottom right corner up there.  I'm definitely wanting to keep that. 

The rest, I'd have never even remember I had it, but now that I am seeing it and holding it, I'm having a hard time getting rid of it.  A big part of it is, I hate throwing stuff into the garbage if it's something someone out there might be able to use.  The flip side of that is, I hate dealing with the idiots in the local free bees group.  

I'm sure you can relate, because stupidity is pretty much universal. 

And finally, James has put their house on the market.  I mean, we all knew it was coming, because he's been talking about it for a year, but it's still a bit of a bummer because it had always been the family gathering place ever since my aunt and uncle built it back in the mid 80s.  Their house had always been the gathering place, even when they still lived on Travis St.  

I told Cody I wish I had enough money to buy it, but it's way out of my budget, and I doubt I could take care of that much land anyway.  Not by myself, I mean.  My other cousin might be buying it, but I don't know.  I hope she does, or one of her kids.  At least that way, it'll stay in the family.  It's all Winfree land out there anyway. 

Now, if you'll excuse me, I got my tax refunds yesterday -- yes, that fast -- so I'm going to go to Amazon and do a little shopping.  Not too much, because I've still got to make up for not getting a paycheck this week.  Oh, and one more thing, I got my unemployment debit card in the mail today.  There's nothing on it at the moment, but I'll have it in case they do another shutdown later in the year. 

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