Saturday, December 10, 2022

The Long Way Around

Modern technology is a marvelous thing.  There are a great many benefits to it, one of which being that when you order something online, you can track your package online, from the moment it leaves the .... wherever you ordered it from, all the way to your house. 

This does have its drawbacks as well.  For instance, take this package I've been tracking for the last couple of weeks.  It started out in Carrollton, then went to Ft Worth, then back to Carrolton, then to Jackson.  From Jackson to Smyrna -- which is a suburb of Nashville, back to Jackson, and finally to Memphis before it found it's way to me. 

Yep, this one definitely took the scenic route. The really sad part is, it went right past my house three, yes three, count 'em three times while it was wandering all over creation.  But it finally got here, albeit with a few extra stickers on its suitcase.  And what was in said package that went half way around the country before finding its way to me?  

My new hoodie.

The one with the new Chosen logo on it.  I was so hoping it would arrive before the season 3 premier in 23 hours (as I type this), and was really sweating it for a moment.  Now if only it were cold enough to actually wear it...

I also got a matching hat.

Because apparently I don't think I have enough.  I needed one to match the hoodie.  That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.   

Speaking of hats, I finished the one I was knitting, 

and picked back up the Irish Hiking Scarf I've been working on -- which I will eventually get an updated photo posted for you. 

Speaking of photos, today's Holiday Homestead Share #10 topic is Christmas tree, so here is a picture of mine.

Well, well, well, look who liked my comment once again... 

But do you see the difference?  Scroll back to yesterday's post and look carefully, and see if you can see it. 

I caught it right away, and after doing a little digging, discovered what I had suspected all along.  Neither this account, nor the one that liked my comment yesterday are his real account.  I mean, I didn't really think either one was real, but it was fun while it lasted...


Amnicon Studio said...

How chuffed were you when Isaac liked your post?!

I was just reading backwards on your posts. Life's been kind of goofy these last few days for me. You are far more prepared for Christmas than I am. :-)

Becky G said...

I was pretty excited, but it turns out it wasn't really his account. It was a fan account.

Amnicon Studio said...
