Thursday, December 08, 2022

A Two-Fer

Since yesterday was a day of remembrance, it somehow didn't seem fitting to do my Holiday Homestead Share so today, you're getting two for one.  

Day 7:  Snow

We rarely get snow here where I live.  Even back during the Deep Freeze of 2021, when everyone everywhere was getting snow, all we got here is sleet.  Every once in a while, though, we do get snow.  Actual, real, fluffy....cold, wet snow.  Such was the case this past March, when we got a good snow.  Unfortunately, it didn't last long, but I managed to get a few good photos before it all melted away. 

Day 8:  Deck The Halls  -- Cody and Brennan decking my halls.  

Well, they did the tree at least.  I decked the rest of my halls myself.  

In other news, I got a couple of surprise parcels in the mail yesterday, but I didn't do an unboxing video because I'm pretty sure they're Christmas presents from my brother.  Cody wants us to go to Brennan's parents house for Christmas this year, but I just don't want to.  I mean, I went there for Thanksgiving, and they're really nice, but they're not my family.  I think I'd rather spend a quiet Christmas at home with just the cat than in a house full of strangers where I'm not really comfortable. 

And finally, just three more days until The Chosen season three kicks off!  I'm so ready!

I hear tell it will melt your face off.  

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