Thursday, December 22, 2022

And Away We Go!

I'd had a completely different post planned out for you tonight, and we may get to it yet, but about the time I sat down to start typing, the storm got here. 

 The wind hit so hard, it shook the whole house and scared the cat.  I had to bring in the wreath from the front door, because it was slamming so hard against the glass, I was afraid it would break it.  The glass, I mean.  Not the wreath..  The temperature has already dropped 20°, and look at this!  

It’s snowing! It's been snowing for about 30 minutes, but they keep saying there's not going to be a whole lot of accumulation.  Still, it's not supposed to get above freezing until Sunday afternoon, so maybe, just maybe, we might get a white Christmas after all.   And yes, that is me saying, Ooooo.  It was cold out there, and I only had a t-shirt on!  Well, and pants of course.  

I'm hearing reports of the power being out in several places, but mine is still on.  I've got plenty of firewood, just in case, though I'll need to restock once the cold spell passes. I don't know if Cody and Brennan will be able to make it down; it all depends on if the roads are clear.  We may have to postpone, if they aren't.  And after I've spent the last two days cooking.  

Which brings me to what I had originally planned on posting about.  

I am almost done with the cooking, and once again, I finished everything I'd planned on doing today.  I wasn't sure I was going to make it at first.  The day had gone by so fast, and I'd only gotten the chocolate chip and snickerdoodle cookies made.  I'd about decided that we'd just have to do without gumdrop cookies this year, when I heard a chime on my phone.  

Upon checking, I saw that it was my daily reminder to practice my piano, which have set to go off at 2:30.  Seriously, I'd thought it was about 6:30 or 7:00!  It was just that dark outside.  Whew!  What a relief!  I got the gumdrop cookies made and went ahead and mixed up my cheese ball, so that's one less thing I have to do tomorrow.  

Well, that wind is still kicking pretty hard, so I'm going to go ahead and end this so I can get it published, just in case the power goes out. 

A bientot.  

1 comment:

Amnicon Studio said...

This bout of weather has been rough on so many!