Tuesday, December 20, 2022

I'm Free!

 I'm free!  Well, until January 3rd, that is.  Yep, today was my last day of work for the year.  You can bet when that end of shift buzzer went off, oh how the whole plant cheered!

I can neither confirm nor deny that your normally stoic, introverted blogger may or may not have let out what could possibly have been a whoop or two of her own. 

Afterwards, I sat in my car in the parking lot debating on whether to go on to the store and get that over with, or wait until tomorrow morning.   It only took me a few moments to make that decision and off to the store I went.  As expected, it was a madhouse.  

You know that awkward moment when someone calls out, "Hey Becky!" Only she's wearing a stocking hat and a mask and you have no idea who she is, so you just roll with it and say, "Hey!  How's it going?" And you know the really sad part about it is, even if you could have seen her face, you probably still wouldn't have recognized her...

I can neither confirm nor deny...Ok, on with the post.

I was able to get the things I'd forgotten, so that's good.  I was also able to find something....which brings us to today's 

Holiday Homestead Share #20 -- Festive Treat

Yes, I found one, and it's the one I'd wanted in the first place.  I don't know where they were keeping them last week, but they had a whole display up today.    Naturally, I snatched one up.  I may not get to it until after Christmas, but by golly, I'm going to put together my first gingerbread house ever.

Yes, I'm 58 years old, and yes, I am ridiculously excited about this. 

I also picked up a couple more things of cookie icing, 

but they didn't have any blue.  I even stopped by the Dollar General on the way home, but they didn't have any blue, either.  I can't believe Dollar General failed me!  I might venture out tomorrow and see if one of the other locally owned grocery stores in town has some blue.  If they don't, we'll just have to do without.  Or I could really turn into a Holly Homemaker and make some.  Not sure how I'd pipe it, though...

I used to have some piping bags and tips around here somewhere.  Maybe I can find them...

In the meantime, I probably ought to get some cookies baked, or I won't have anything to decorate. 

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