Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Third Time's A Charm

 You know what they say, the third time is a charm.  And just so...

Once I'd gotten to the end of the most recent chart on the Garden Party shawl, 

and decided to set it aside for a while and cast on a hat for my cousin.  She's got cancer and has lost all of her hair.  Because, you know, chemo does that to you.  She's got a wig and a ball cap, but I thought she might want something a bit warmer for the winter.  Sure, she could go buy one, but where's the love in that?  

So, I cast one on for her.  I'd found a couple of partial balls of Knit Picks Felici, and it's so soft, I thought it would be perfect.  The only issue was finding a pattern.  I looked around some, but didn't really find anything I like.  I found a pattern that recommended a 216 stitch cast on, and I'm like ... Who are they knitting caps for?  Elephants? 

In the absence of a good pattern, I did what any red blooded knitter would do.  I decided to wing it.  First try, I cast on 120 stitches, but after a couple of rounds, I felt like it would be too tight.  I tried again, intending to cast on 160 stitches.  Unfortunately, I miscounted and ended up with a 192 stitch cast on.  Aaand we're back to knitting hats for elephants.  And blaming sleep deprivation...

 I ripped again, and this time, I cast on 144.  

And it was just right.  Snug, but not too tight.  

Well, there has been some bad news out at work -- for second and third shifts, that is.  Remember a few weeks ago I told you they were getting a $2 per hour shift differential?  Turns out the Big Man Up Front made that announcement without checking with company headquarters first,  and they denied it.  There has been, according to one supervisor, a "mass exodus" from those shifts. 

Yesterday, they sent out a memo, and apparently someone finally realized that they're not going to be competitive in the job market if they don't offer competitive wages, especially with Milwaukee Tools opening up some time next year.  I hear they pay really well.  Anyway, the memo said every employee will be getting a $2 per hour raise, effective this week.  

Naturally, given what had happened the last time, we were all a bit dubious...but Particularly Outspoken Employee caught The Big Man Up Front and asked him if it was legit.  He said it was, but we're still not too sure, especially since Supervisor told us they hadn't said anything about it to him.  I guess if it shows up in our paychecks, we'll believe it then.  

 More bad news, I tried to call the oral surgeon to set up my appointment to get my broken teeth extracted, and the soonest they can get me in is November 3.  I called my regular dentist back, and we discussed things a bit.  He consulted with the other dentist, and we decided he's going to extract the easier one Monday, then we'll have to see.  I'm going to let him look at the other one and evaluate in person if he thinks he can get it out.  If not, I'll have to go to an oral surgeon in Oxford or maybe Jackson.  Buuut, if they only have to do one tooth, they might not want to sedate me and Cody won't have to waste a day off driving me.  Let's hope...

And finally, I lost another coworker to COVID.  She and her sister both had it. Sometime yesterday, the sister called Miss Nancy to check on her, and she didn't answer the phone.  So, the sister went to Miss Nancy's house and found her in the bed, passed away.  

They had to put the maintenance man on a ventilator over the weekend, as well.  I don't know if he finally consented, or if he got so sick he didn't have a choice.  They say he's in bad shape.  

As if that weren't enough, Beverly's great grandson Cory has it, too.  

If you've a mind to, lift these people up in your prayers, please. 

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