Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Ooo Dah Lolly

 Golly what a day...

It all started Sunday night, as I was cleaning up the kitchen.  I went to put something back into the cabinet under the sink, when I noticed all of the old Coke bottles I'd saved from years ago had been knocked over.  I didn't think too much of it, because the cat likes to roam around under there.  

When I started standing them back up, well....

Apparently, at night, the mice had been getting bits of cat food and stashing them in these bottles.  Three bottles, to be exact.  Full of cat food. No wonder the cat was so obsessed with that cabinet.  

I emptied out the bottles, washed them, and set a mouse trap where they had been.  Yesterday morning, I checked it as soon as I got up, and I'd caught a mouse.  I took it outside and tossed it over the back fence, then re-set the trap.  I continued on getting ready for work, and just before I left, I saw the cat was trying to get into the cabinet again.  I fussed at her, but she would not be deterred. 

I didn't want her to get her foot caught in the mousetrap, then be stuck there and in pain for the whole day until I got home from work, so I decided to trip the trap ...he he he...trip the trap....  Don't ask.  Even I don't know.  

But when I opened the cabinet door, the trap wasn't where I'd put it.  Huh?  I eventually found it.  It had been tripped again, and in just that short amount of time, I'd caught another mouse.  I took that mouse out and tossed it over the back fence as well, then sat down with the cat for a few moments, and had a long discussion about her job performance. 

On to work I went, where the day past mostly uneventfully.  I'm finding a perverse sense of joy in the knowledge that they haven't been able to run a full shift since they put us all on water rations. So many people have quit that they don't have the manpower to run all the lines, and can't seem to hire anyone, either.  Well, gee...what did you think would happen?  It's already a horrible place to work, and you want to take away the last teensy shred of morale we have out there? 

The long day finally ended, and I ...got stuck at the railroad track.  

Seriously, Mr. Train Driver?  You couldn't have stopped 20 feet sooner?  But no...you had to block the road.  He sat there for about 10 minutes, then finally started moving.  It was a long train, but eventually I saw the last car approaching.  I put my car into gear, getting ready to finish my drive home, when he stopped again.

Seriously?  Seriously????


On the bright side, look at what I found in the store Friday!

My favorite time of the year is almost here!  

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