Saturday, August 07, 2021

Relaxing Saturday

Well, it's been relaxing since I got home from work, that is.  I'm telling you, you have no idea how freeing it is to come home from a 9 hour shift and not have to worry about mowing.  It's wonderful having just that one burden lifted from my shoulders.  I still need to get out and mow the bit behind the back fence, as it's looking a bit jungle-ish, but that won't take long.  Otherwise, laundry, dishes, sweeping, dusting, and boom!  I'm done!

I've decided since I won't be having to mow, I'm going to try to get things shaped up out in the yard.  I've got a lot of weeds and junk growing up through my roses that need to be cut out and cleaned up. I cut something out of my crepe myrtle this evening, but I'm not sure what it is.  Whatever, it didn't need to be there, so now it's not. That's all I got done, because it's still so humid outside.  And I'm tired.  And lazy.  But mostly tired.

I'm getting too old for all these long, long hours. 

Thank you to those of you who have asked.  Jesse is back to his old self today, with no sign of a hurting foot.  I don't think it's arthritis, because it came on so suddenly.  Just the way he was acting leads me to believe it was an injury or wasp sting, or something similar.  

My house has these built in shelves in my laundry room.  

Since I moved in some 6 years ago, I've just been using them for storage...shoving miscellaneous stuff here and there just to get it out of the way. Here lately, though, I've been seriously considering cleaning them off and using them as pantry space.  Therein lies the rub.  I have mice.  

I've got a lot fewer mice now that I have a cat, but I still have mice.  This means everything I store on these shelves needs to be in either a can or a plastic container.  While I was at Wally World yesterday, I picked up a storage box and filled it up with pasta. 

I'm not sure if I should be proud or a little scared of how much pasta I have.  That's not all of it, by the way.  I still have more in the cabinet.  What can I say?  Ibotta has had some good deals on it lately.  I'm stocking up while I can.  

I also decided I needed to stock up on beans and rice, just to be on the safe side.  

I'm not a really big fan of beans, but we are in the weak men make hard times arc of the cycle.  Can't be too careful.  

Now, if you will excuse me, I need to run claim my piano bench while the cat is napping in my chair.  


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