Saturday, August 21, 2021

Bad News & More Bad News

 Let's start with the bad news first.  

There are so many new COVID cases out at the plant it's not even funny.  Today I found out one of the maintenance men is in the hospital, and not doing well at all.  The doctors want to put him onto a ventilator, but he's refusing.  I hope he pulls though, but they're saying he's in bad, bad shape.  That breaks my heart, because he is such a nice man.  He's one of the few out there that you can call for help, and he won't give you attitude.  

His wife has it, too, and I was told she pulled out all her IVs and stuff and walked out of the hospital.  Don't know how true that is, but the one who told me is pretty reliable. 

Things are so bad here, we've gone back to greeting each other by saying, "May the odds be ever in your favor."  And I've learned how to play the mockingjay whistle on my Kalimba. 

I have a mockingjay pin I bought from my friend Leann's store.  I feel like I need to start wearing it.      

Now for the more bad news, I went to the dentist Thursday for the first time in a year.  My last appointment was scheduled for the day the ice storm hit back in February, so I'd postponed it.  I decided to move it all the way back to August, in hopes that the whole COVID thing would be settled down by then.  Boy, did I call that wrong. 

Anyway, I don't remember if I told you, but I'd broken off another molar not too long ago.  We'd expected that, because it's one I'd had crowned way back when I was 19, and it was doing what the dentist called "ditching out".  He said it would break off, and at this point, there was nothing we could do to stop it.  After discussing it with him, we've decided to get the roots to that one, and the molar I'd broken off a couple of years ago extracted and start all over on my lower partial.  Because this one is broken off right at the gum line, he wants to send me to an oral surgeon to have it done.  And because the oral surgeon is going to want to do the IV sedation, I had to call Cody and ask him how hard it would be to get a day off.  He talked to his supervisor and said it wouldn't be a problem, so that is all set.  

Well, I still have to call and make an appointment, but I'm going to wait until Monday afternoon or Tuesday to do that, to give my dentist time to call and make the referral.  

As if that weren't bad enough, I have a top tooth with a cavity.  He showed me the x-ray, and that cavity is deep.  I mean really deep.  He wants to send me down to a specialist in Jackson to see if anything can be done, but reading his tone and body language, I really believe he doesn't think the tooth can be saved.  It hasn't abscessed yet, so there is that.  I'm going to hang on to it as long as I can, but eventually, I'll lose that tooth as well.

So, that's how my week went.  How was yours?

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