Fair Bubba Keg. I hardly knew ye...
This is my Bubba Keg.
It can't be insulated. It can't be tinted. It must be something they can check at a glance to make sure we are only drinking tepid water... because God forbid we drink a Coke, or some tea, or coffee...
Ohhhh, my coffee....
Seriously! I don't understand what's so wrong with me drinking a cup of coffee in the morning, or a vegetable smoothie, or protein shake or whatever. It doesn't make any sense whatsoever.
Furthermore, no snacking. No chips, no peanut butter crackers, no protein bars, no fruit...no anything. Nothing at all, but plain water. Here's the thing, some people go in at 3:00 and 4:00 AM. Lunch break isn't until 10:40 or 11:05, depending on if you have first or second break. So, if you go in at 3:00 and you have second break, you're having to go 8+ hours with absolutely nothing to eat. Nothing. That's a long time to be hungry out there, especially since we're doing physical labor. Oh, and check out this gem from our new employee policy:
Any employee choosing to take their break in the work area forfeits the right to eat/drink, other than water.
We've always just sat down in our work area to eat, rather than walking half a mile to the nearest break area, then hoping there is a table available. Sigh... After 25 years, why is this suddenly a problem?
Shall I also mention that we have a new HR director? She's a peach, I'm telling you. In our meeting, she was very rude and smart mouthed. I don't see her lasting long out there. But anyway, on the way out of the meeting, as she was handing my official ADP approved sippy cup, I asked her, "Have you figured out why the turnover rate is so high?"
"That's something we're still looking in to," she replied.
Seriously? Are you people seriously that obtuse? You lock us into a cage, and a hot cage at that, then put us on water rations, all for only $13.50 per hour (for most employees), and you can't figure out why nobody wants to work there? SERIOUSLY???????
In a moment of irony too rich to go unsavored, as that awesome hunk of pure awesomeness who used to be my imaginary boyfriend before he got married to someone who is not me Bill Whittle says, before the day was over, so many people had quit, they had to completely shut down one assembly line. It wasn't just the temps, either. It was full time ADP employees, coming out of their meetings, getting their belongings, and walking out. By yesterday, so many had quit, they had to shut down two lines, and I suspect even more will quit before Monday, when the new policy takes effect.
And they will still be totally clueless as to why they can't find employees....
Then, yesterday, just to add salt to the wound, they announced that they would be giving a $2 per hour raise, but only to second and third shift employees. Talk about a slap in the face! Day shift carried that plant, and oh, well, sucks to be you, I guess.
Have I ever mentioned how much I hate, hate, hate my job? I swannie, it's like they stay up late at night trying to figure out how to make our jobs as miserable as possible. But look, a new toilet seat!
See how much we care? Yes, it's only on one toilet, and yes the bathroom is still filthy, and there's usually no soap or paper towels, but here's a crumb to shut you people up. Take it or leave it.
In more pleasant news, my new Knit Picks cables have arrived,
It's pretty nice, and very soft, unlike Red Heart, which can vary by color. The softness, I mean. Some colors are softer than others. In Red Heart, I mean...Anyway, I suspect these will eventually become hats.
And lastly, I'm not quite sure if I should be comforted or frightened.
Oh, I almost forgot, it looks like that live stream thing isn't going to happen just yet. I'd planned on doing it this afternoon, but it's a bit more complicated to set up than I'd anticipated. Back in the day, I used to turn it on accidentally, but apparently they've changed things since there. In the meantime, here is a recording on my crappy camera of me playing the first song from the Schaum Red Book.
I'd started playing the next song, too, but my battery ran down. I'd thought there was a way I could trim the video, but I guess I can't do that to uploads. Or maybe that was just videos from my phone.
Now, I have to run get dressed. I've got someone coming over to give me a quote on cutting my grass. If she's affordable and dependable, I might be able to get out of mowing for the rest of this summer.
Wish me luck.