Saturday, July 10, 2021

I Have Officially Lost My Mind

There I was at work, just a working away.  For those of you who may be new here, I work in a facility that manufactures evaporator coils for home air conditioners.  My specific  job is to braze various copper components together to form what we call header assemblies.  Some of you may know these as manifolds, but we call them headers.  Now, it is not strictly necessary for you to know exactly what a header is to follow this story, but if you are interested, you can google it. 

Anyway, there I was at work, just a working away, when one of my headers just wasn't acting right.  I struggled with it for a few moments, then in frustration, I asked the header, "Do you want to go into the scrap bin?  Do you want to go into the scrap bin??"  

I asked the header, "Do you see these extra parts I have?"  Here, I held the header over my parts bin, so it could see the extra headers..."I can easily replace you with one of these, and put you into the scrap bin.  Now is that what you want?"  

It's official.  I have lost my mind. 

Lost my mind or not, it must have worked, because the header behaved itself after that, and I got it brazed up and sent it on its merry way.  

All righty, then...moving right along...

I finally finished that pair of socks I've been working on for forever.

I came mighty close to them being exact matches as well.  The pattern is a simple garter rib (Row 1: K2P2, Row 2: K).  I wish I could tell you what the yarn is, but I lost the ball band.  I only remember it's been in my stash probably a dozen years at least, and I got it from that high dollar store down in Jackson.  I think it's called Yarns Downtown, now, but it's changed hands since last I was there.  I don't remember.

A week or so ago, I bought the cat some of that oat grass stuff for her to chew on.  I mixed it up, planted the seeds, and put it into a dark, warm room to sprout.  Whereupon I promptly forgot about it.  When I went into that room to get my sock blockers, I saw it had become some sort of mutant weirdness.

Maybe she'll still chew on it.  We'll see. 

My spending spree that started with Prime Day is almost over.  I've only got one more order that I'm waiting on, but let me show you what's already arrived.  Well, besides the air fryer and such that I've already shown you.  First up, new slipper socks.

I'd gotten some of these for my mom for Christmas last year, because she was up in Alaska with my sister.  I know she didn't like the cold, so when I saw these, I knew she had to have them.  They are sherpa lined, and after buying her a set, I decided I had to have some myself.  I dare my feet to be cold this winter!

Shortly after I'd received my two newest candles from my friend Kristine, she posted one more that I just had to have.  Darn it!  If I'd known, I'd have waited and ordered them all at once.  No matter, I promptly ordered the new candle, and it arrived just in time.  And what was that candle that arrived just in time?  This one:

A Shark Week candle!  Since Shark Week starts tomorrow, I'm all set.   Oh, and the Boomstick candle is one of my favorites of hers.  That one will be my third...but it's worth it.

She didn't have any more super secret surprise candles, so she included some samples of her favorite fountain pen inks.

They're made by a local -- well, local to her, not me-- family owned company.  I'm going to try this ink out, and I'm sure it'll work better than the cheap stuff from Amazon.  Maybe once I run out of all my other inks, I'll spring for some.  But right now, I need to slow down on the spending.  I've got one more item that's supposed to be here next week, and if I can get my act together, a surprise for you as well, Gentle Reader. 

It will require getting out of my comfort zone, but I hope you will like it. 

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