Sunday, July 18, 2021

That Didn't Take Long

 Well, Shark Week is over for another year.  It always feels kind of like the day after Christmas when Shark Week ends.  So, what has been going on while I've been watching sharks?  Not a whole lot, really. 

I wore my new socks to work.

I went shopping, and got all of this stuff absolutely free with my ibotta app. 

I bought and hung a new American flag, right beside my new Texas flag, so my house is patriotic once again.

And for good measure, I took updated photos of my flower beds.

Unfortunately, it looks like these few Bachelor's buttons are all I'm going to get out of my wildflowers. 

The grass and weeds have already completely taken over that little bed. Oh, well.  Maybe this year, I'll finally learn not to try to start anything from seed.  

I made progress on my Garden Party shawl, despite being distracted by sharks.  

I had to rip back one pattern repeat, but the chart I'm working now is only 8 rows long, so it wasn't that bad.  Thank goodness for lifelines, is all I have to say.  

And finally, that didn't take long.  My next door neighbors finished moving out Friday, and by the time I got home from work Saturday, the owner had put this in the yard. 

Apparently, he's not going through a realtor.  Whatever.  I just hope my new neighbors are as nice as the ones he ran off.  And no, I'm not going to pay a surveyor to come out so he'll know where the property line is.  

If he wants to know where the property line is, he can get a surveyor out himself.  


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