Sunday, August 30, 2020

And Then There Were None

 Whelp, the last supervisor standing has fallen.  No, he doesn't have the corona, as far as I know, but he's been put into quarantine, along with Group Leader Shark.  He was the last supervisor left -- at least on day shift -- who hadn't been put into quarantine at least once.  And the way it happened is as follows. 

A couple of days ago, one of the ladies over in tubing fell out.  Now, in the interest of full disclosure, I didn't see any of this happen.  Another coworker told me about it after the fact.  Anyway, she fell out.  I don't know if she lost consciousness completely, but when they -- and by "they" I mean the first responders --got her up, she'd pooped on herself.  That is never good. 

Word came back Friday that she'd tested positive, so some of those who'd rendered first aid to her went into quarantine.  I'm not sure why all of them didn't go, but I guess the safety people felt they didn't need to.  

By the way, because the plant is so far out, and ambulance service here in town is iffy at best, we have our own team of EMTs on site.  They are usually supervisors and group leaders who've been through the training and can render first aid until the ambulance gets there.  Which sometimes takes 30 minutes or more.  

You know, or maybe you don't if you're new to this blog, it's been a tradition in my family for years to get a new ornament for our Christmas tree every year.  Sometimes, it's just a random ornament that I liked, but frequently, I try to get something that represented a significant event that occurred during the year.  This being the year of the plague, how could I resist?

It'll be perfect for 2020!  

Speaking of Christmas, my laptop speakers aren't working correctly.  I'm a bit aggravated about that, because my laptop is less than a year old.  They'll get loud, then cut out, then get loud again.  Cody thinks it might be a driver issue, but I'm thinking it might be a loose wire or something.  I've had some external laptop speakers for about ten-ish years, and the sound is just fine when I plug them in, so I'm not sure it's a driver.  And usually, getting any work done on a cheap laptop isn't worth the cost.  

Since it happened a few weeks ago, I've been using my external speakers, but as I said before, I've had them for ten-ish years, and after using them for so long, my they've have given up the ghost.  I watch a lot of videos on my laptop, so naturally, I did what any red blooded American would do.  I went onto Amazon and ordered some new speakers.

They are quite a bit bigger than I thought they'd be, but they've got a good sound.  Since I'm still streaming church, I'll have no problem hearing the sermon now. 

After I placed my order, I got a bit of a surprise.  See this book?  

Yeah, I thought it was in the Save For Later section of my cart.  Apparently it wasn't.  I now have a whole book of Christmas music.  It's a little too advanced for where I am in my piano lessons, but hopefully, by next year, I can play some songs from it. 

I'll let you know how that goes.  

And finally, it looks like my family all escaped any serious damage from hurricane  Laura.  Power is still out in many places, and my brother said he's not going home until the power is back on.  The good news is, the cattle are all OK.  I was more worried about them, because there was no way to evacuate them.  They were just stuck riding the storm out.  

The really exciting news is, President Trump, Governor Abbot, and Senator Cruz were all in my hometown!  I don't care what your politics are, I think that's pretty cool.  

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