Wednesday, September 02, 2020

Random Thoughts Of A Wednesday Evening

 1.  I was thisclose to calling in this morning and telling them I needed to take a day off for personal reasons.  Those reasons being I am tired and need a day off.  I didn't, though.  I dragged my wearing body out of bed and went on to work, hoping beyond hope that they would give us Saturday off for the Labor Day weekend. 

2.  I recently finished another hat.  I just haven't taken the time to blog and show it to you. 

The yarn is Caron Simply Soft in the Gold Ombre colorway.  I'm getting the urge to knit something besides hats all the time, but what with these long hours we're working, I simply don't have the mojo for that. 

3.  I seem to have lost my blogging mojo, also.  I seem to have lost a lot of mojo for a lot of things.  Knitting, letter writing, even piano playing to an extent.  I feel like I'm just existing these days.  I feel it's all I can do at this point -- just try to make it through each day as it comes.  

4.  They didn't, by the way.  Give us Saturday off, that is. 

5.  My twins are growing up.

One is a little buck and one is a doe.  I occasionally see the grown does, but that's about it.  I don't know if the others have just wandered off, or what.  I rarely see any other bucks but this little one.  It's been fun watching his antlers grow.  He should be shedding his velvet some time this month.  I can't wait to see that!

6.  Happy first day of fall, y'all!  A day late.  Oh, yes it is.  September 1 is the first day of meteorological fall.  Astronomical fall starts after the Autumnal Equinox on September 22, however, since I observe the meteorological calendar, I'm going to start putting out my fall decorations this weekend.  Well, I'll drag the box in from the shed, at least.  I don't know how much else will get done, but it's a start. 

7.  This is my life.  Every day.

See him back there?  Standing there.  Staring...OK, he turned his head when he saw me with the camera, but that's him.  Stalker.  I can't even get away from him in my dreams.  Last night, I dreamed that Cody and I had gone to Texas.  We were staying with my cousins, Bev and James.  Cody and I were going to go somewhere, when Stalker stormed into Beverly's kitchen, demanding to know why I was with another man.  Bev told him, "That's her son!"  Stalker muttered something I couldn't quite make out, and Bev repeated, "That is her son, and my grandson, and how dare you make such an implication!"  

8.  Cody isn't her grandson, by the way.  Bev's mom and my dad were siblings , and Cody knows the relationship.  However, he's the same age as some of her grandkids, and they all grew up together.  He really thinks of them more as grandparents than first cousins once removed.  

9. One of my coworkers said The Boss Who Must Not Be Named had told her that a lot of people will be out Saturday.  She said, "If they already know a lot of people will be out, why did they even schedule us to work?"  I replied, "You must be new here."  

10.  Another one of my coworkers -- not Stalker-- came up to me and said, "Hey, sexy bearded dude!"  I said, "It could be worse.  I could be ugly bearded dude."  He came back with, "It could be even worse than that.  You could be ugly bearded annoying dude!"  Gee, I wonder who he could have meant when he said that?

11.  This morning, I asked about my coworker who fell out last week.  The one who tested positive.  Her friend told me she hadn't spoken to her since Saturday, but she was not having a good day then.  They were have a very hard time keeping her blood pressure regulated.  

12.  Since we spoke last, we've had two new tropical storms develop -- Nana and Omar.  Omar is dying, but Nana is expected to become a hurricane later tonight.  She isn't supposed to be a threat to the U.S., but will cross over the narrowest part of Central America and move into the Pacific.  Kind of the opposite of what Cristobal did.  

13.  I finally broke down and took an allergy pill.  I hate taking them because they make me so dry, but it was bad to the point I couldn't breathe.  I'm already feeling much better.  My chest has loosened up and it's much easier to breathe, now.  

14.  I guess that's it for now.  Goodnight, all!

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