Saturday, August 22, 2020

Just When You Thought

 Just when you thought 2020 couldn't get any weirder...

And what would be causing Jim such consternation?  Maybe because he doesn't quite know where to go.

Honestly, this is the most exciting thing that has happened here lately.  Well, except for that whole global pandemic thing, that is.  

So, we've got Laura to the East and Marco to the West, and I'm stuck in the middle...of Laura's track.  If they both develop into hurricanes, it will be the first time in recorded history that there have been two hurricanes in the Gulf at the same time.  I'm totally geeking out on this.  

On a completely unrelated note, I seem to have acquired a new nickname at work -- The Weather Channel.  All righty then...

I've been meaning to blog.  Really, I have.  I've even started writing posts, but then decided you didn't really want to hear about my dentist appointment...or getting my light fixture replaced.  If I thought you did, I'd have told you that I went to my semi-annual cleaning and checkup last week.  I had to get my temperature checked, then go through a screening thing.  You know, answer questions like, "Have you been exposed to anyone with Covid?"  Etc.  Etc.  Once I'd done that, the hygienist gave me a squirt of hand sanitizer, and some sort of disinfectant with which to rinse my mouth out.  About that time, she just sort of wilted and said, "I know, I know, but this is the only way they'd let us open back up."  

Other than that, the checkup went OK.  Except that I'm about to lose another tooth.  Not right away, but soon.  It's one I've had a crown on since I was 19.  I had a root canal, and the crown replaced back in '07 which extended the life of the tooth for quite a few years, but alas, nothing lasts forever.  The dentist showed me the x-ray, and said it's doing something called ditching out.  He also said some other stuff in dentistese which I didn't really understand. The long and the short of it is, at this point there's nothing he can do about it.  It will eventually weaken and break off, but since I've already had the root canal, it shouldn't cause me any real discomfort.  

The plan is still to get implants, but stuff keeps unexpected expense here, a global pandemic there...

The good news is, in the midst of our yapping -- because when you only see each other once a year you have a lot of catching up to do -- the hygienist mentioned that she and her daughter want to learn to knit.  I said I could teach them, but the issue for both of us is finding the time.  I referred her to the Knitting Help website, and she wrote down the URL, sooo, welcome to the dark side, Jennifer!

Speaking of knitting...

Despite the long, long hours we're working, I've managed to knit part of a hat.  

It's so hard to find time to do all the things I used to enjoy, like knitting.  And blogging.  You know...  living.  But they've cut our hours back at work.  Instead of working 11 1/2 hours, we're now working 10 1/2 hours.  Yippee...

But hey, it's a start.  

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