Saturday, December 24, 2022

Christmas Eve 2022


Well, we almost had a white Christmas, but not quite.  Most of the snow -- what little we got -- has melted, leaving just a few spots in the shadowy places.  The good news is, it's supposed to get up above freezing tomorrow afternoon.

You know, when I was younger and used to read a lot of Jack London novels, I wanted to live in Alaska.  Now that I'm older and wiser, I realize how little I am prepared for a life so far north.  North Mississippi is too far north for me!   This cold spell turned my icicle lights into literal icicles.  

There was some doubt about the roads in Memphis, but by this morning, they were clear enough Cody and Brennan were able to make the trip down.  

I just wish they'd gotten here in time to see this guy behind my fence. 

I tried to sneak a little closer to get a better picture, but as soon as I opened the door, he took off into the woods. 

Now that was a deer with a nice rack!  I hope he's the one making the babies out there, and not those other deer -- you know, the one whose tines are flipping us off. 

Anyway, Cody and Brennan made it down without too much trouble, and the minute they arrived, I put Brennan to work chopping the onion for gumbo.  As I told her, I've watched all the YouTube videos and all the Gordon Ramsay tutorials, but when I try to chop onions, it ends up being a mess.  She did a good job, though.  I'd already gotten the bell pepper and celery chopped, and the turkey cut up, so that was all there was to do.  Except Cody did cut the sausage.  And made the gumbo.  Which turned out really good, despite my early misgivings, because we used turkey broth instead of chicken.  It's very rich, but still very good. 

Once all that was done and the gumbo was simmering on the stove, Cody said, "When do you want to do presents?"  

"We can do presents any time you want."  So we did. 

Brennan was very excited about the book I got her,

until she opened…

the box of rocks.  

"Oh, I'm going to cry!" she said.  Which made me really happy.   I'd thought about getting her a rock tumbler, but Cody said she already had one, so I got her rocks to tumble in it. 

I don't even know what this is that I got Cody, but it was in his wish list and seemed to make him very happy. 

Some piece of electronic gear he needed.  For his PS...whichever number he's up to.  

And look what I got!  

A trebuchet!  It's been in my wish list for ages, and I finally got one.  Several years ago, Cody asked me, "Why do you need a trebuchet?" and I said, "So I can throw stuff..."  Now, I can, once I get it put together. 

And Cody got me the one album I was really hoping someone would get me.

 As is our family tradition, I had them lay out all their loot for a photo.  

Mine isn't in this one, because  I saved a few to open tomorrow.  Once I do that, I'll get a photo of my stuff.  

After we'd opened all the gifts, Cody and Brennan decorated cookies.  

Brennan said she'd never done this, and thanked me for setting it up for them.  I said it was my pleasure.  Their cookies turned out pretty cute, too.  Brennan made a Taco Bell bell, a tree, and an ornament. 

Cody made a house, an ornament, and a snowflake, which he ate before I could get a picture. 

There are still quite a few cookies left.  I might try my hand at decorating some tomorrow, and I still have to do my gingerbread house (which I hid from the kids).  But for now, I'd better get to bed, or Santa won't come. 

So good night, and a very Merry Christmas to you all!  

1 comment:

Amnicon Studio said...

It looks like you had a really nice Christmas with them. How fun about the trebuchet! I LOVE that Vince Vivaldi album. It just screams the holiday to me.

Merry Christmas to you!