Friday, May 20, 2022

Hi Ho, Hi Ho

 It's back to work I go.

It was rough, too.  Oh, the work day wasn't all that bad.  We only had 4 brazers out, which is good for us, and the work I got was pretty easy.  It was just me.  I felt awful. My teeth weren't really hurting, even though my face is still very swollen.  No, I just didn't have any strength.  I was dragging and listless.  I think my biggest problem is that I haven't really been able to eat since Tuesday.  I've been living on cottage cheese, protein shakes, and mashed bananas.  

For a moment there, I seriously considered coming home, but I didn't.  

I didn't go to the store after work, though.  I was sitting in my car and decided there isn't anything I really need to get today.  I might go tomorrow, depending on how I feel.  I'm hoping I feel somewhat better, since I managed to actually eat a full meal this evening.  OK, it was a Banquet microwave dinner, but still....  

Thus, there really isn't that much to talk about, but I wanted to show you my new Chosen swag.  I got the black Against The Current shirt

to match my bag, which I will be carrying to Fiber Fun In The 'Sip.  I'd just tossed the shirt in when I ordered, because I wanted both colors, but what I really wanted to buy was these:

They are the Bible study books that go along with the episodes in the series.  I can't wait to get started!

Does anyone else have these and want to go through them together?  That would be so great!

Let me know.  

P.S.  If you want to participate, but need to order the books, I am more than willing to wait.  

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