Saturday, May 28, 2022

Be Proud Of Me!

I'm free!  Well, until Tuesday, at least.  Three whole days to do just what I want to do!  And what have I done on this first of my three days off?  Exactly what I'd said I was going to do.  I vacuumed and shampooed my carpet, and mowed the yard and put out the weed killer.

 Be proud of me!  

I'd actually mowed yesterday when I got home, just to get it out of the way, but that's neither here nor there.  The point is, it got done.  Then, this afternoon, I got out and spread the weed killer, and watered it in.  I hope it actually works against this dollar weed.  The stuff is taking over my yard.  Seriously.  It's also supposed to prevent fire ants from building mounds, and if it does that, it'll be worth every penny I spent on it.  

The only other thing I did today was vacuum and shampoo my bedroom carpet, and once again, I was shocked and appalled at how much dirt came out of it.  I'm sure you don't really want to hear about that, though...  

All that to say I got up this morning and did everything I said I was going to do, except....I didn't go to the Farmer's Market on the Square.  

I do this every summer.  Anytime I have a (rare) Saturday off, I say I'm going to get up and go to the Farmer's Market.  I'm going to get me some fresh tomatoes and have 'mater sammiches, and maybe  some pattypan squash and make a pie, and get some Tea Cakes and jelly... But when the day comes, I don't.  I don't want to get dressed.  I don't want to comb my hair.  I just want to sit and be still for a moment.   Relaxing in the morning is such a rare thing for me, you know...but then, after the market has closed for the day, I say, "Oh, I wish I'd gone to the Farmer's Market!  I'm definitely going to go next time I have a Saturday off!'

But then, I don't.  And the next Saturday, and the next, and the infinitum.  

That was about it for my Saturday.  Maybe someday, something interesting will happen, and I'll have something worth talking about, but for now, here's a photo of the cat.  She knows how to nap, that's for sure. 

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