Wednesday, April 06, 2022

Still Alive

 Just popping my head up for a moment to let you all know I'm still alive.  Well, the three of you who still read my boring drivel.  

I know you're probably tired of hearing how tired I am, but that's my only excuse.  I was so tired this morning that I was thisclose to calling in and staying in bed.  I'm not sick.  I only wanted to sleep a little.  But I didn't.  I said to myself, "Self, if you skip today, then you worked Saturday for nothing."  So, I got up and went on in to work. 

I was treated to quite a lightning show on the way, but managed to make it there before the worst of the storms hit.  It wasn't too bad here.  Just normal spring thunderstorms, not severe weather, though they had a tough time of it down in the southern part of the state. 

By the way, they've finally stopped taking our temperatures when we get to the plant.  Finally.  I think we were the last place in the state where you still had to do that.  We still have to wear masks, though, and I'm pretty sure we are the last place in the state where you still have to do that.  I haven't worn a mask outside of work in a year.  Even Walmart is letting their employees shed their masks, and if you're going to catch anything, that's where you're going to get it.  But we're still walking around like doofusses wearing them at work.  

Unless you've gotten your booster, or are within 6 months of your second dose.  Then they give you a green card to wear, and you can stop wearing a mask.  I asked my supervisor what happens when your six months is up, do they take away your green card?  He said, "Yep.  They take your green card and deport you."  I said, "That's no problem.  All you have to do is turn around and walk right back across the border.  Old Joe is letting everybody in."  

That's about all I have for today.  Someone told me a while back she missed the stories I used to write.  Since then, I've been trying to write my posts as if I were telling a story.  This one isn't happening.  I'm just too tired.  It's not just the long hours, either.  It's the specific hours.  I think if we were working 5-3 instead of 4-2, I would be less tired, but it's just not natural to be waking up at 2:45, and I'm getting too old for this mess. 

That being said, I'm going to leave you with a video of this beauty I found in my back yard Sunday.  Or Monday.  I don't even remember...Never mind.  Here it is:

It's a speckled king snake.  I had one as a pet when I was a kid.  I had to chase the cat away from this one, because I want him to stick around.  

Maybe he'll eat up some of those voles, or whatever it is digging up my yard.  

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