Tuesday, November 28, 2023

This Cat

This cat of mine is going to be the death of me yet.  Don’t let her sweet and innocent look fool you. There is a reason I named her Evil Incarnate.

There I was in bed last night, relaxed, warm, and drowsy.  Just about to drop off, when the cat let out a blood curdling snarl that like to have made me jump out of my skin -- not to mention the bed.

I quickly got out of said nice, warm bed, ran to see what was going on, and found her looking out of the French doors with her tail all puffed up.  I calmed her down as best I could, but by then I was wide awake.  I eventually settled down and fell asleep, but the night was way too short for my liking.  

Well, they're all too short for my liking, but that's beside the point. 

I got to work, and baby it was cold at my stand.  OK, it was 63°, but my work requires a fan blowing on me all the time, which makes it feel so much colder.   I had my work shirt, a long sleeve flannel shirt, my jacket, a scarf, and a hat on, and I was still cold.  It eventually warmed up a bit, but I think I'm going to cast on a cowl for myself, because there was one tiny little space between my scarf and hat where the cold air was getting in.  

But while I was standing there freezing, I had the bright idea that if I come home and make a big old bowl of turkey salad with the leftovers, I can take that to work tomorrow and Thursday -- having taken a vacation day for Friday-- then I won't have to go to the store until my normal shopping day.  Which is Friday...

Speaking of, I got the carcass boiled down yesterday and have already put up 3 quarts of broth, with more still in the pot.  I'd let it cool for about an hour, and thought that was enough.  Apparently, it wasn't because  I managed to slop some hot broth onto my hand and burned my thumb, which caused me to utter an unwholesome word for which I had to repent.  Which I did do.  Repent, I mean.  

I ran over to the sink and ran cool water over my thumb, then put some burn get on it, and as of this writing, it's almost healed.  There is a little red spot, and it barely hurts, so that's good.  After that, I let the broth cool in the fridge until this morning, when I put some of it into empty, washed mayonnaise jars and put it into the freezer.  

I'll take care of the rest maybe tomorrow, because this afternoon, I finally got my outside lights put up.  Alas, one of my strings of lights didn't work, and no amount of fiddling and checking the bulbs would rectify that.  By that time, I was so knackered I said, "Forget this!"  and just put up the three working strings.  

I'm still not completely sold on having the white icicle lights with the colored lights on top, so this might be the last year I do that.  My across the street neighbor has multicolored icicle lights across the whole front of their house, so I might see if I can find some on clearance and go that route from here on out.  

Or I may just go back to the single line of solid colored lights.  I don't know.  Heck, I may even pull it all down and re-do it this year.  I don't know.  I'm too tired to think about it now, so I'll just leave you with this picture of my mantle.  

 And I'm going to go to bed early.  

Goodnight, peeps.  


Amnicon Studio said...

LOVE how your mantle looks!

I wonder what little Miss. E.I. saw outside.

Becky G said...

Thank you!

I think she saw a tom cat that hangs around my neighborhood. I don't know who he belongs to, but he comes over and they fight quite often. That's the only thing I can think of that would cause a reaction like that.

Amnicon Studio said...

Yup, a tom would definitely cause that reaction.