Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Done For Now

 Well, I guess I'm all done decorating for Christmas for this year.  I fiddled and fiddled with that last string of lights until I wore a hole in my thumb, but couldn't get it to work.  So I just took that single string on the far left down, and I'm leaving it at that. 

In other news, y'all thought I was joking when I said it was cold at my work area, but here is the evidence.  

Now let me clarify something first.  It's only cold in the winter time.  During the summer, it's still 95+.  But there is going to be a warming trend over the next few days.  Don't get me wrong, I love cold weather when I can sit home in front of the fire under a blanket drinking hot chocolate.  Having to stand there working in it, and with a fan blowing on me to boot, not so much. 

That's about all I have for you today.  I got home from work, and it looks like they're cutting down the woods behind my house, and I'm plumb sick about it.  I don't know what they're going to put there, but I hope it's not a new housing edition.  It probably will be, though.  

What's the point of moving out into the country if it doesn't stay country?  I guess I'd better go ahead and get that privacy fence built after all. 


Amnicon Studio said...

Yup, that's a nippy, cool work space. We had a warming up in my area, too. Highs in the upper 30s for this time of year. I was just out walking to the coop with no jacket on!

Sorry to hear they are taking down your woods. A LOT of the farmland in my state has been bought up and suburbs are going in. My coworker and I once had a discussion about what the is the point of living out in the "country" if you and your neighbors are stacked up on top of each other. I suspect people like the idea of saying they live out in the country, but not actually living out in the country. They want all the amenities and neighbors.

Becky G said...

It may sound odd, but I'm actually hoping they're putting in an expansion of the RV park that is right across the highway from where they're clearing. I think I'd rather have campers out there than actual houses. I'm going to miss seeing the deer, though. They'd gotten almost tame around me, but yesterday they were so skittish. I know the noise was getting to them. I haven't seen them at all today. Sigh...

Amnicon Studio said...

I could see the appeal of an RV park, over more houses.